So what's X-23 going to be like, y'think?

uberhamster Posts: 96 Match Maker
edited October 2015 in Speculation and Concepts
I hope she has a decent number of stars, it'd suck if she ended up as the 1* Wolverine. Would be nice as a 3 or 4 star.

Maybe some kind of Trigger Scent mechanic on blackflag.png , apart from an inevitable healing passive and stabby active?


  • Chrono_Tata
    Chrono_Tata Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    I'm pretty sure she's gonna be 4-star. Devs said they don't have any more 3-star planned and I doubt they will introduce a new character at the 1- or 2-star level.

    Anyway, trigger scent has either been used by her old handlers or her enemies against her, so I'm not sure how it would tie into her character to have a trigger scent ability.

    I imagine that her power set may be a remixed version of Daken, with both of them being Wolverine's offsprings and all. A passive heal ability with a secondary effect, some sort of passive or active special tile creating ability and an active ability that uses the special tiles.
  • donietsche
    donietsche Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    I have no doubts about the fact that she will be a 4*.

    If her skill set is aligned to those of all the others all new x-men (Jeannie, Ice), I think we could be in for another top tier character.
  • 20three
    20three Posts: 371
    Some obnoxious true healing is guaranteed.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    She is a 4, I think it would be better if she was a 3, but right now we are just going to have new 4s and 5s.

    I guess she will be able to create strike tiles and self heal. A part from that, no idea icon_razz.gif
  • elwhiteninja
    elwhiteninja Posts: 209 Tile Toppler
    it could be good as we don't have a lot of 4 star strike tile gen if she has an ability that creates cheap strike tiles
  • Rhycar
    Rhycar Posts: 107 Tile Toppler
    I'm guessing her "trigger scent" will be a countdown tile that changes the amount of damage her nuke (or AoE, more likely) does. It would gain more power and/or turns depending on covers. Or, alternatively, it could change her nuke to an AoE as long as it's on the board.

    Third power has to be a true healing passive of some kind, for sure.
  • She will probably be 4 *. Watch the video link with her performance.
  • eaise
    eaise Posts: 217 Tile Toppler
    redflag.png 4 AP
    X-23 creates 6 (at max cover) random black tiles. If the team has 11 black AP X-23 does "X" damage and creates 4 (max cover) strike tiles for each team. (Color of strike tiles for each team is determined by the team's strongest color)

    yellowflag.png (passive)
    "X" amount of healing per turn. X-23 loves a good fight so the more strike tiles that are on the board (both ally and enemy) increase the base amount she heals each turn

    blackflag.png 13 AP
    X-23 is ready to end the fight. She destroys all strike tiles on the board (ally and enemy) and does "X" damage for each strike tile. If no strike tiles exist X-23 creates 6 strike tiles for her team

    This is completely made up. But is what I'd like to see for X-23 when she releases
  • SirLanik
    SirLanik Posts: 345 Mover and Shaker
    Obvious guesses include something with strike tiles, and something with healing. Less obvious guess? I'm thinking something that does more damage if your team mates are downed. Kind of a last woman standing kind of rage. Reverse of Luke Cage.

    This gives inventive to focusing her over team mates, but her healing will dissuade focusing her.

    That's just a guess, there's obviously a lot of options you could go.

    I'd like to see Yellow Purple Green for her, in that order.
  • There's a guy in my neighborhood who believes to be the X-23 a travesty of Wolverine. lol
    The twit hardly knows she is his daughter. lol
  • uberhamster
    uberhamster Posts: 96 Match Maker
    vinicius18 wrote:
    There's a guy in my neighborhood who believes to be the X-23 a travesty of Wolverine. lol
    The twit hardly knows she is his daughter. lol

    She's his clone actually, not his daughter! The comics covering her origin story are excellent, imo. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • uberhamster
    uberhamster Posts: 96 Match Maker
    I was hoping she would be in her X-Force version, to complement Wolvie and Deadpool. By extension of that, I'm hoping they eventually make an X-Force version of Psylocke; the current 3* is waaayyy behind the power curve, and her blue is horrendous

    Oh yeah I'd love that too. Seems like most of the focus these days is on contemporary heroes though!
  • vinicius18 wrote:
    There's a guy in my neighborhood who believes to be the X-23 a travesty of Wolverine. lol
    The twit hardly knows she is his daughter. lol

    She's his clone actually, not his daughter! The comics covering her origin story are excellent, imo. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Laura Kinney in the Age of Apocalypse, X-23 was the daughter of Wolverine with Mariko Yashida and fought alongside Apocalypse to be rescued by the X-Men. It is a highly trained assassin young, very intelligent and a young woman of impeccable education, with fantastic killer and strategic training.
  • GundamY
    GundamY Posts: 182
    Hey! That's just like my previous post for X-23! Here's what I got:

    We have 3 versions of Wolverine, 2 versions of Daken, but not even one single X-23? I call this injustice! That is why I can't wait for developers to hurry up and design X-23 so she can kick some major ****! But... I'm aware that she may be susceptible to the nerf bat if the game developers read my proposed movesets...

    Agh, doesn't matter! I just want to show you guys how much I love to have X-23 for my harem... um, I mean roster! Yeah, that's it... So here's what I got for her:

    X-23 (Laurel Kinney) star.pngstar.pngstar.png


    blackflag.pngCutthroat Approach: X-23 is trained to become the living weapon. She waits until her opponents drop their guard and aim for the kill. Down a target instantly who has less than 20% health. Enemy target that did not go down from this ability will bleed, maximum damage is 30% of enemy's health

    Max Level: Invisible characters can also be targeted and damaged by this ability.

    purpleflag.pngRage Trigger: Enemies provoking X-23 shall learn the consequences as Laurel recklessly charges in a path of utter annihilation. Deal extra damage for every enemy Attack tile on the board. For every 3 enemy owned strike tiles on the board, X-23 gains a 700 damage boost(?)

    Max Level: Destroy 3 enemy owned tiles every time X-23 gets damaged by an Attack tile.

    yellowflag.pngAccelerated Healing Factor: As the female clone of Wolverine, Laurel inherits the regenerative power to recover from any damage taken in battle. Heals on every turn. (Passive)

    Max Level: Recovers from stun 2 turns faster.