The ever increasing number of characters issue

Cunneryn Posts: 112
Hello everyone,

Since I started to play (not so long ago I agree), more and more characters have been implanted in the game, creating an evergrowing roster of interesting characters. I'm not complaining as it creates a a good amount of characters to use according to your preferences (supposing you have the covers and a free roster spot).

However, every good thing can also have limitations. In this case, the randomness of the obtention of the covers acts as a major limitation of the enjment of the game. I'm probably not the only being happy when a golden token but then toroughly disapointed to see another new character to add to my evergrowing list of interesting covers that I am unable to used considering my lack of roster spot.

The issue is that the growth of the character pool lowers the chance of getting each individual character. Lets take a hypothetical situation that you have 3 characters and are about to use a token. If only 10 characters are available, the chances of getting a character you need are 20% while you have 80% of getting a new character. On the other hand, if 100 characters are available, you have only 2% chance of getting something you have and 98% of getting a new cover. Hence every character that is added to the game lowers the chances of getting someting you want while increasing the odds of getting a new cover.

This leads to 2 problems with the current token system: 1) you are getting too many new covers and don't have enough roster spot for them and 2) it lowers at the same time the chances of getting a cover you really want.

In the past when less characters were available maybe the developers were happy with the odds of gatting an cover taht we want, but those odds definitely decreased, hence my post of potential ways of adressing this issue.

1) The obvious choice yould be to increase the means of getting new roster spots (not necessarily ideal as while you can have more characters, the chances of getting more covers for him still remain low)
2) More tokens with specific covers: Lets say that you can have 2 types of token each having the propability of getting only half of the characters, this then double your chances of getting covers you want (assuming you know in which token you can find the caracters you need).
3) Simultaneous event: I think that the element of choice is a great way improve on the randomness of the tokens. Let's say there are 2 simultaneous events ech one giving tokens specific covers (but requiring lots of grinding so that you can't obtain both easily). This would require players to chose the event to grind in order to get the cover they want. Similarly, you could have different kinds of token available in each event that have different characters available (see the second propostion), increasing furthermore the element of choice without removing the randomness of the tokens.

Those are only my opinion as to possible mean to improve the overall quality of the game and satisfaction of the players.
Let me know what you think and don't hesitate to post what you think are other great way tho assess the issue of the growing character pool.


  • I agree with the issue that there are far too many characters now. Variety is awesome and it's even better when you get a favorite character to use but it's difficult to maintain their use other that deadpool dailies, assuming you already have the characters. I'm at 706 days played with 55 characters which I've steadily gained through being top in events or luck. The token system is useless for me, last years anniversary event netted me lots of goodies, this year I got maybe 3 rares out of 30 or so tokens.
    An overhaul would be nice but when it comes down to it it's beginning to be more expensive to actually collect everyone. With multiple characters and same character different suits, it adds up. Being able to have your character suits merged would be awesome and maybe even relower the cost of hp per slot.
    As far as the arguments against better token odds or an overhaul, it adds to the playability and enjoyment to the game whether or not you agree with it. I'm not asking for free 5 and 6 stars characters that are maxxed out so I can faceroll pvp. It's more about getting your favorite hero card out of multiple decks to enjoy the game.