Alliance Event Design Question

XandorXerxes Posts: 340 Mover and Shaker
This is more of a morbid curiosity than anything, but I am interested to hear about the design of the alliance events. Taking the Galactus event as an example, the best rewards are locked so that it involves most of the user's alliance participating and actually doing well. The individual awards are also somewhat based on the alliance - for example, I will probably finish just short of the legendary token because A) my alliance did not get the Cyclops covers in round 1, B) my alliance has only gotten Galactus up to round 5, so he's not worth as much, and C) darn you Black Panther crash bug! *shakes fist*

I definitely understand wanting to reward coordinated alliances, but I feel that the current setup exacerbates becoming a mercenary and doesn't actually support maintaining a current alliance core. To be fair, any performance reward structure will do just that.

Here are some changes off the top of my head (disclaimer: not all of these are going to be good ideas, if any) that I think might help alliance cohesion:
-Make the "meat" of the rewards individual rewards
-For bosses, after the first few levels (or always) reward a static amount of points after each match not related to boss health (reward structure might have to be adjusted)
-Instead of 10 iso / day for each alliance member that logs in, create a scaling reward based on the number of days the member has been in the alliance (other alliance rewards may have to be adjusted to compensate).

Essentially I'm looking for ways that instead of rewarding only performance, I'm looking to reward alliance loyalty in order to discourage people from just maximizing performance.


  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,580 Chairperson of the Boards
    That seems a slightly odd request, the other 95% or so of pve events are rewarding the individual with a boost on top from your alliance results, so it does actually make sense for the alliance events to award their headline prizes based on alliance results.
  • alphabeta
    alphabeta Posts: 469 Mover and Shaker
    Sorry but I disagree - most of the game is individual performance with a bit of alliance as boost.

    Boss battles (Ultron and G) should be alliance dependant - if your alliance isn't up to it find one that is - don't have to merc make a long term alliance that can cut it.

    111 alliances made it into r8 in G1 - I suspect the number who made it into r7 is probably in the low 1000s so got 1 4lops cover and that was about the most mismatched event ever

    R2 is far more balanced so event the numbers to be far higher - working together as a team is a great game dynamic and it more in keeping with the lore - no one person could take down the big bad.