Fury Demolition Bug?

Yoik Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker
Hey. Am I reading this wrong? I thought that when Fury lays his blue down if matched by an enemy all the traps go off and hit for big damage. Today an alliance mate and myself have seen a fury demolition go off against us but kill 2 of our team instead of the one that would get in the way of the hit. Can you clarify if this is intended? Has it changed as a power recently ? Do you know the winning lotto numbers?



  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    If you match two traps in the same move, you get two sets of Demolition damage -- both hits queue up and then the traps disappear. As far as I know, this is working as intended, since the two traps are matched at the exact same time, and not as part of a cascade.

    This is similar to how if you destroy a bunch of 4* Deadpools's countdowns simultaneously, each one damages you separately, and can carry over to the next character if the first one is downed.
  • Yoik
    Yoik Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker
    Ah Ok. Thank you. makes a little more sense