Remove Cyclops (classic) essential nodes from Galaktus2

Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
edited October 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
I think the tittle says it all. People would think that after the big disaster that was Galaktus 1, D3 would be wise and realize that having a node requiring the character that was awarded in that event would not be advisable, but hey, D3 doesnt think!

Well, maybe we can get him in tokens, after this situation maybe D3 thought that give players a good ratio to pull him would be nice, you know, to compensate for the Galaktus fiasco, so they gave as a fantastic ratio of 0.8/1.5% !!! We just need to buy like 70 tokens to get one cover!!! icon_razz.gif

Remove this nodes from the event right now (or at least enable the use of the other cyclops).

PS: I am still waiting for an apology for the first 4 days of the anniversary. You cant do something like that and not apologize to your players.
PS: I dont understand why players are now so happy in the Galaktus 2 thread. This is what it should have been from the beginning, so people is happy because they are not constantly dying any more? And We have yet to receive some kind of compensation for that disaster.

Mod Edit: Questionable metaphor.


  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think you need to read some of the threads at the top. The issues with Galactus one were addressed and corrected.

    As for Cyclops being featured, this happens all the time with other events so I don't know why people are so fixated on this one. I didn't win a cyke either but can still participate and do well
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think you need to read some of the threads at the top. The issues with Galactus one were addressed and corrected.

    As for Cyclops being featured, this happens all the time with other events so I don't know why people are so fixated on this one. I didn't win a cyke either but can still participate and do well

    And I think you need to read my post more carefully. I now things have been corrected, it is very obvious if you read my post (in fact I am asking why people is so happy just because devs have corrected their mistake!!!!). And again, correcting yes, apology not yet.

    What I didnt see is that there is another thread asking the same thing (cyclops node removal), so this thread can be closed.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    I can understand your post for me personally if someone offers me a gift as a token of apology the spoken word is not necessary as they are often hollow words anyway.
    To each their own, my apologies for misconstruing your words
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    I can understand your post for me personally, if someone offers me a gift as a token of apology the spoken word is not necessary as they are often hollow words anyway.
    To each their own, my apologies for misconstruing your words
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    I can understand your post for me personally if someone offers me a gift as a token of apology the spoken word is not necessary as they are often hollow words anyway.
    To each their own, my apologies for misconstruing your words

    But the problem is that the compensation was just for the ratios in the anniversary tokens and the server problems. I still need to see an apology for how the event was created, and about this **** that was "you have to lose".

    And then, when they could have showed a little bit of restraint not setting an essential node using Cyclops, they dont, so now just the elite alliances and lucky people can play all nodes.
  • I've been meaning to comment on the Galactus event but everyone was so angry that I figured I'd just wait and see what was up, haha.

    I personally didn't hate the Galactus event... Yeah I got beat down fast once my alliance was in round 5, but I figured, 3 heroes are SO not a threat to this guy anyway, so getting in at least 100 damage is a reason to celebrate in itself... That being said, yes it was irritating as heck to die in three turns or whatnot. I always remembered fighting Galactus in Marvel Ultimate Alliance and even that was hard to pass with a team of four powered up characters.

    I complain a lot about how this game works and the over-competitiveness of it all increasing a million times since it started, but I don't think the devs have no idea what they're doing. In the end, you can't please everyone and if we all got our way, where's the fun in that? I hate losing, but I wasn't too worked up about losing to Galactus in round 1 and if it were me, I would've let those complainers keep complaining....

    Than being said, I didn't get cyclops either, but again, we shouldn't always have things our way in a game like this... Or any game for that matter... Levels are present to challenge us, not hand us things on a silver platter... Also, other games rarely hand out items for things like server errors and the like, so get cho lives (Lol)!There's countless opportunities to get covers and hp (we don't always get what we want, but the opportunities are there), so not being able to play one node shouldn't be an issue...

    Galactus is in the game, guys! He's hungry and wants to eat as many silver surfers as he can, with a side of 1-4* wolverines! I've done that myself on other planets and have yet to be destroyed... Have fun!
    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    I don't mind that """classic""" Cyclops is essential, but it does bug me that was essential in both Big G round 2 AND the Simulator. 2 PvE events back to back that I'm missing out on a node because one character. I was thinking (and kind of hoping) Reed would be the 4* essential.
  • brisashi
    brisashi Posts: 418 Mover and Shaker
    Most competitive alliances were able to at least clear round 6

    I imagine a lot more cyclops covers went out than a typical 4* release
  • The staff complains about everything. I agree that Galactus event would have to be that way from the start but there was no planning because everything was done at the last minute. Still needs some adjustments which have not as correct: 3K Wolvie 2 * and 4K Legendary Token. Who hits 3K in pvp not need Wolvie 2 *. 4K for Legendary Token on the anniversary event is dirty. It should be 3.5k or 3K the Legendary Token. Galactus was also very easy after adjustments and I'm at level 6 undefeated and without using boosters. They apologized for the server crash with 100 coins. Even with the old version of Galactus would have to complete the round 6. If it was Galactus 1 to proceeding out your complaint but Galactus 2 is easy and can be completed very well.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    vinicius18 wrote:
    The staff complains about everything. I agree that Galactus event would have to be that way from the start but there was no planning because everything was done at the last minute. Still needs some adjustments which have not as correct: 3K Wolvie 2 * and 4K Legendary Token. Who hits 3K in pvp not need Wolvie 2 *. 4K for Legendary Token on the anniversary event is dirty. It should be 3.5k or 3K the Legendary Token. Galactus was also very easy after adjustments and I'm at level 6 undefeated and without using boosters. They apologized for the server crash with 100 coins. Even with the old version of Galactus would have to complete the round 6. If it was Galactus 1 to proceeding out your complaint but Galactus 2 is easy and can be completed very well.

    Defeating Galaktus is easy, completing rounds 6,7 and 8 on the other hand is easy for professional alliances, not for casual ones like mine. In my alliance just one person has cyclops because he got lucky and pulled a cover in a token. Last time we couldnt complete round 6, we got 1M shy. Last time I got 956k points (no Legendary then), but of course, then I was able to attack Galaktus 6 times every 8h. Now just 5 (or 4 when some nodes crash). If we manage to get to round 7, maybe with the difference in points, and being able to defeat Galaktus every time I will get to 950k, but I am not so sure.

    So why should I have a tougher time to get to 950k and to round 7 when it was D3 who screwed the event last time, and made impossible to casual alliances to get to round 7.

    I am tired of D3 continuously screwing me. It seems they dont want me to play their game! Every single time something happens!

    PS: And as some people have already pointed out, Cyclops was already essential in the last PvE, so why the **** is he essential again ?!?!?!? D3 is just evil or stupid.