Hank Pym!

slantedandenchanted Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
edited October 2015 in Speculation and Concepts
I'm sure this has been done before...Nonetheless! Here's my take on Hank Pym (Ant-Man) icon_e_biggrin.gif I'll also post a 3-Star Goliath version as well.

Ant-Man (Hank Pym)


redflag.png 8 AP Ant Army: Hank's telepathy with ants sure can become helpful when the enemy slowly becomes devoured by Ants Creates a red cooldown tile that activates every turn, creating a strength 10 red attack tile.
2 Covers: Also steals 1 yellow AP from the enemy team. Creates strength 20 purple attack tiles.
3 Covers: Creates strength 35 purple attack tiles.
4 Covers: Creates strength 40 purple attack tiles.
5 Covers: Creates two purple attack tiles each turn.

yellowflag.png 10 AP Shrink: Hank shrinks down to a significantly smaller size, almost appearing invisible to the naked eye! Creates a yellow trap tile randomly on the board. As long as this tile is on the board, Hank Pym cannot be targeted. As long as this trap tile is on the board, this power becomes grow. Grow deals 450 damage to the enemy and destroys the trap tile.
2 Covers: While this tile is on the board, whenever you make a yellow match deal an extra 50 damage to the enemy. Grow deals 515 damage to the enemy and destroys the trap tile.
3 Covers: Deals an extra 75 damage to the enemy. Grow deals 600 damage to the enemy and destroys the trap tile.
4 Covers: Deals an extra 100 damage to the enemy. Grow deals 700 damage to the enemy and destroys the trap tile.
5 Covers: Deals an extra 125 damage to the enemy. Grow deals 900 damage to the enemy and destroys the trap tile.

blueflag.png(Passive) Natural Intellect: Hank's natural intellect proves helpful even in the field of battle. When given the chance, Hank will use his quick wits and resourcefulness to think up a trap. Whenever an ally uses an ability create a trap tile. If matched by the enemy, steals the enemy of 1 AP of that color. If you match the tile, it deals 225 damage to the target enemy.
2 Covers: When you match the tile it deals 300 damage to the target enemy.
3 Covers: When match the tile it deals 375 damage to the target enemy.
4 Covers: When you match the trap tile deals 425 damage to the target enemy.
5 Covers: When the enemy matches the trap tile steals 2 AP of that color. If you match the tile, it deals 500 damage to the target enemy.


  • slantedandenchanted
    slantedandenchanted Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
    edited October 2015
    Goliath (Hank Pym)


    redflag.png 10 AP Stomp: Goliath steps right on top of the opponent with his foot! Select a chosen basic tile and destroys a 4x4 block of tiles around it and deals an additional 65 damage for every friendly special tiles on the board. Destroyed tiles do not generate AP.
    2 Covers: Deals an additional 75 damage for every friendly special tile on the board.
    3 Covers: Destroyed block of tiles increased to 5x5. Deals an additional 90 damage for every friendly special tile on the boad.
    4 Covers: Deals an additional 105 damage for every friendly special tile on the board.
    5 Covers: Deals an additional 125 damage for every friendly special tile on the board.

    yellowflag.png(Passive) Living large: Charging into battle is the almighty Giant-Man himself! At the start of every turn if there is not already one, creates a strength 40 strike tile
    2 Covers: Creates a strength 45 strike tile.
    3 Covers: Creates a strength 55 strike tile.
    4 Covers: Creates a strength 68 strike tile.
    5 Covers: Creates a strength 75 strike tile.

    blueflag.png 7 AP Pym Particles: Hank Pym's ever-growing mass continues to take shape as he towers over the enemy team. Improve the strength of one friendly strike tile by 35 and creates a strength 22 protect tile randomly on the board.
    2 Covers: Improves the strength of one friendly strike or protect tile tile by 40 and creates a strength 28 protect tile randomly on the board.
    3 Covers: Improves the strength of one friendly strike or protect tile tile by 50 and creates two strength 33 protect tiles randomly on the board.
    4 Covers: Improves the strength of two friendly strike or protect tiles by 60 and creates two strength 44 protect tiles randomly on the board.
    5 Covers: Improves the strength of two friendly strike or protect tiles by 75 and creates two strength 50 protect tiles randomly on the board.
  • ErikPeter
    ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    Goliath would be overpowered. He's got a great tile destroyer. His passive is way stronger than Blade's (which is already pretty good). And he's got a yellow flood to fuel it. What's not to love? in a couple turns every yellow tile on the board would be a strong Strike tile. There are a lot of comparisons to be made with Cyclops, but I think if you're going to put a good yellow tile generator (e.g. better than Mjolnir's Might) don't just color-swap an existing power.

    That said I think he could be fair if you toned down the passive.

    The 2* one is weird, but fine. His passive is situational but eh, interesting nonetheless. I guess what I mean is I don't have any good input icon_e_smile.gif
  • slantedandenchanted
    slantedandenchanted Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
    ErikPeter wrote:
    Goliath would be overpowered. He's got a great tile destroyer. His passive is way stronger than Blade's (which is already pretty good). And he's got a yellow flood to fuel it. What's not to love? in a couple turns every yellow tile on the board would be a strong Strike tile. There are a lot of comparisons to be made with Cyclops, but I think if you're going to put a good yellow tile generator (e.g. better than Mjolnir's Might) don't just color-swap an existing power.

    That said I think he could be fair if you toned down the passive.

    The 2* one is weird, but fine. His passive is situational but eh, interesting nonetheless. I guess what I mean is I don't have any good input icon_e_smile.gif

    Made a bunch of adjustments! I got a little creative now...I think!...I hope!...Let me know what you think!

    -I made his 2* version more of a team player rather than a situational kind of character with a neat attack that makes attack tiles. Now, he's the kind of character that you can't fight but want to fight on account of those pesky trap tiles!
    -I made Goliath more reliant on his special tiles and building damage through special tiles.