Matchmaking: add people in your bracket

A ton of posts recently show how newbies with lvl40 stuff has a free ride to the top unseen and unopposed. Due to the braindead tournament ideas of combining MMR and random scoring brackets. (It seem happening even in nonbracketed events but let's overlook that for the moment.)

A simple change to matchmaking could help out here and restore some amount of fairness: the people in the same bracket with more points shall be made available to fight in addition to anyone currently.

I could even accept it combined with the old way where it was limited by some point distance.

Alternatively, if the MMR-based limitations are to keep at least change the bracketing: make separate brackets for MMR ranges, separating the low, middle, high-level fields.

I don't mind if newbies win prizes, but I do mind that they can go ahead fighting dummies while others in direct competition with them must fight 3x100+ teams for the same position.


  • Unfortunately, this means that any new player will never receive a good reward if they can be directly targeted in any bracket with a veteran. I understand that it's awful to "lose" to a newer player, and I hate to say it, but they deserve the same advantages as we once had.