No ISO reward bug now in Women of Marvel

Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
I'm getting the same bug in Women of Marvel that plagued me in Black Vortex - No ISO reward, the game just goes back to the fight screen and the node you just completed is still there to fight again. I didn't have this problem in the 2015 PvP. Anyone else seeing it too?


  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yah, i've done 10 matches, nothing but the progression, and it kicks me out of the event every time after the fight
  • Yep, same here.

    I had another bizarre thing happen:

    Two of my characters needed healing, one with 23 seconds left.

    Next thing I know, both are healed (including animation), I'm down 2 health packs, and THEN, the game somehow substituted SWitch for Deadpool?

    At no time during this 5-7 second period did I even have a finger near the screen…

  • kilgarin
    kilgarin Posts: 57 Match Maker
    I've been having issues with this as well. Just played a match and came out to no rewards, no progress bar, just back to the nodes.
  • It happened to me several times in Black Vortex, and just happened in Women. I complete the fight and no reward or progression happens. It goes right back to the main screen. The opponent's node is there as if it was never fought. Very frustrating.
  • Not got any ISO rewards since starting the pvp. Is this going to be addressed any time soon?
  • Same problem here. I am getting the progress points, but I'm not getting any rewards.
  • Same problem here... icon_e_sad.gif
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Same here. It's not so awesome that we're getting double ISO, and end up getting nothing more than half the time.
  • Can you please please sort out this issue as your compensation iso is always laughable. Im playing the pvp as obviously i can only play galacticus once every 8 hrs and one of the main bonuses from the anniversary is the double iso. Well it would be if i was awarded some after each winning match. Currently i am only receiving rewards on average in 1 in 3 victories. Just wish the anniversary would hurry up and end so i can go back to playing various things and actually receive rewards. The compensation is always so laughable that I'd rather not receive them as its insulting
  • Was getting approx 1 in 3 now getting nothing, absolutely loving this anniversary. Cant wait for the **** 2k compensation
  • mjh
    mjh Posts: 708 Critical Contributor
    chalk up another one.

    chalk up another ticket to CS.
  • Got the same problem here, this anniversary is plagued with more bugs than fun at this point.

    Someone call an exterminator or preferrably hope the devs fix this.
  • kilgarin
    kilgarin Posts: 57 Match Maker
    About 24 hours after my first post I'm still having this issue.
  • Same, please fix !
  • veneretio
    veneretio Posts: 76 Match Maker
    Same problem here.