Selling value in hp of a character

edited February 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
My 85 wolvering sells for 550 hp and a lot of 32000 iso. My lvl 77 obw sells for just 25 hp. How is the hp value determined?


  • they upped the values on him and thor after the "funbalance"
  • Microtom wrote:
    My 85 wolvering sells for 550 hp and a lot of 32000 iso. My lvl 77 obw sells for just 25 hp. How is the hp value determined?

    This is because Wolverine and Thor was recently re-balanced, so for people who don't like their Wolverine with the new skills, they can sell to get half the value in ISO back and some HP as well.

    Soon (probably R48) the option to sell Wolverine and Thor for big ISO and HP will be reverted back to what you see your OBW as.
  • thor and wolverine currently have a higher value because they were recently funbalanced.

    3* = 25 HP
    4* = 50 HP
    regardless of levels

    edit: disregard that. if obw sells for 25 hp i have no idea.
  • turbo wrote:
    thor and wolverine currently have a higher value because they were recently funbalanced.

    3* = 25 HP
    4* = 50 HP
    regardless of levels

    edit: disregard that. if obw sells for 25 hp i have no idea.
    You are right on the HP values...OBW doesnt give HP for sell
  • Do you get more for sticking unused Thor/Wolverine cards into a empty slot then selling them rather than selling the cards directly?
  • bughunt wrote:
    Do you get more for sticking unused Thor/Wolverine cards into a empty slot then selling them rather than selling the cards directly?
