Juggernaut (4 Star)

Freehuey24 Posts: 18
edited October 2015 in Speculation and Concepts
redflag.png Shield of Cyttorak (passive)

Channeling the power of the Gem of Cyttorak, Juggernaut is not able to feel pain thus reducing the effects of damage. As Juggernaut loses health damage inflicted on him is reduced. 75% health - damage reduced by 10%/ 50% health- damage reduced by 20% / 75% health - damaged reduced by 30%

Lv 2: 75% health - damage reduced by 15% / 50% health- damage reduced by 25% / 75% health - damaged reduced by 30%
Lv 3: 75% health - damage reduced by 20% / 50% health- damage reduced by 30% / 75% health - damaged reduced by 40%
Lv 4: 75% health - damage reduced by 25% / 50% health- damage reduced by 40% / 75% health - damaged reduced by 50%
Lv 5: 75% health - damage reduced by 25% / 50% health- damage reduced by 50% / 75% health - damaged reduced by 75%

greenflag.png Juggernaut Charge (9 AP)

Juggernaut charges his way towards the enemy team and plows over all in his path. Delivers 2000 damage to enemy team.

Lv 2: 2500
Lv 3: 3500
Lv 4: 4500
Lv 5: 5500

yellowflag.png Nothing Stops the Juggernaut (12 AP)

Juggernaut delivers a massive ground pound which knocks all players off balance. As the player struggles to to regain balance, Juggernauts forcefully moves towards his target destroying more property on his way to deliver a massive punch. Activating this powers stuns all players in the game for one turn, destroys 4 random tiles, and creates a yellow locked 4 countdown tile. As the countdown reduces, one additional tile is destroyed. Once activated, Juggernauts delivers 4500 damage to a single target.

Lv 2: 5500 damage
Lv 3: destroys 5 initial random tiles, 6000 damage
Lv 4: 7500 damage
Lv 5: 3 countdown tile, destroys 7 initial random tiles, 9000 damage


  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Little confused on the yellowflag.png If it stuns everyone.. then nothing actually happens... Does it stun everyone except him maybe?

    Also, since this would be a 4*, i would add a nice board shake to greenflag.png , maybe select a tile and destroy 5x5 or so for some additional damage.

    On redflag.png why is 75% listed twice, with different %'s?
  • Freehuey24
    Yeah that last 75% should have been 25% health, and I did mean that that all would be stunned expect for him. Appreciate the catch.
  • GundamY
    GundamY Posts: 182
    Oh cool! 4 star Juggernaut is what I made a few months ago! But I made the interpretation that it's Colossus that took the mantle instead:

    Everybody loves the star.png Juggernaut for his board shaking skills, but what about Colossus? I only know people that uses him because they love his Fastball Special and Colossal Punch, but Immovable Object is rather debatable. So, I'm wondering if we can combine Juggernaut's movesets with Colossus just like how I did for Sam Wilson as the new Captain America?

    I know some people may get tired and sick of seeing a lot of star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png characters thanks to Ant-Man (Scott Lang) showing up, but hey, it only makes sense to show how you don't screw with the Juggernaut, especially when Colossus is in charge! Here we go:

    Colossus (Juggernaut) star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png


    greenflag.pngUnstoppable Force: There is nothing that can stand in the way of the new Juggernaut as he tackles though without much effort. Destroy 6 tiles randomly and deal 300 damage to the target. Immune to stun for 3 turns after activating this ability.

    Max Level: Target Shield, Locked, Countdown, and Strike tiles specifically to deal 350 extra damage for each specific tile destroyed. If there are none of the above, simply destroy 10 random tiles at the bottom instead.

    redflag.pngImmovable Object: With the combined durability of his organic steel flesh endowed with the power of Cyttorak, Colossus cannot be hurt by less than 250 damage. Destroys 2 Attack tiles if damaged by them. No AP will be gained from their destruction.

    Max Level: Take no damage so long as there is at least 1 non-downed teammate to protect.

    blackflag.pngCyttorak's Glory: As the favorite new avatar of Cyttorak, the god of destruction gives his divine blessings to the unstoppable Colossus. When tiles are destroyed by Colossus, deal extra damage to enemy team by 500. Deal another 500 damage if Colossus is in front of the team.

    Max Level: Destroy the entire board if Juggernaut deals 3000 damage.

    See, I was thinking about making a traffic lights theme for the moveset that goes in order: redflag.pngyellowflag.pnggreenflag.png. But that's just my second thought. I would like everybody reading this post to give out feedback on what I should do to make this even for players of MPQ! Although I really wish I can find a way to incorporate Fastball Special because it's my favorite move for Colossus...
  • GundamY
    GundamY Posts: 182
    Oh cool! 4 star Juggernaut is what I made a few months ago! But I made the interpretation that it's Colossus that took the mantle instead:

    Everybody loves the star.png Juggernaut for his board shaking skills, but what about Colossus? I only know people that uses him because they love his Fastball Special and Colossal Punch, but Immovable Object is rather debatable. So, I'm wondering if we can combine Juggernaut's movesets with Colossus just like how I did for Sam Wilson as the new Captain America?

    I know some people may get tired and sick of seeing a lot of star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png characters thanks to Ant-Man (Scott Lang) showing up, but hey, it only makes sense to show how you don't screw with the Juggernaut, especially when Colossus is in charge! Here we go:

    Colossus (Juggernaut) star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png


    greenflag.pngUnstoppable Force: There is nothing that can stand in the way of the new Juggernaut as he tackles though without much effort. Destroy 6 tiles randomly and deal 300 damage to the target. Immune to stun for 3 turns after activating this ability.

    Max Level: Target Shield, Locked, Countdown, and Strike tiles specifically to deal 350 extra damage for each specific tile destroyed. If there are none of the above, simply destroy 10 random tiles at the bottom instead.

    redflag.pngImmovable Object: With the combined durability of his organic steel flesh endowed with the power of Cyttorak, Colossus cannot be hurt by less than 250 damage. Destroys 2 Attack tiles if damaged by them. No AP will be gained from their destruction.

    Max Level: Take no damage so long as there is at least 1 non-downed teammate to protect.

    blackflag.pngCyttorak's Glory: As the favorite new avatar of Cyttorak, the god of destruction gives his divine blessings to the unstoppable Colossus. When tiles are destroyed by Colossus, deal extra damage to enemy team by 500. Deal another 500 damage if Colossus is in front of the team.

    Max Level: Destroy the entire board if Juggernaut deals 3000 damage.

    See, I was thinking about making a traffic lights theme for the moveset that goes in order: redflag.pngyellowflag.pnggreenflag.png. But that's just my second thought. I would like everybody reading this post to give out feedback on what I should do to make this even for players of MPQ! Although I really wish I can find a way to incorporate Fastball Special because it's my favorite move for Colossus...
  • Freehuey24
    I like the can't be hurt power. That would suck to play against