Question about shields

mu7an7 Posts: 34

I shielded for 24 hours and the event time said 11 hours 16 minutes of the event to go, 2 minutes later I get a message that I was attacked and lost 62 points.

When I closed that message down, I can see the red node to state that I had lost a fight but my points hadn't changed, so I thought it was fine.
When I went back 30 minutes later, my points had decreased by 62 points.

Is this normal, or if someone is fighting you when you start your shield, they can still make you lose points.

And yes, I have screenshots in case I need to submit a token, including one when I first started the shield in case something like this happens.

Thanks in advance,



  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    Searching the forums for "shields" will probably net you a dozen different threads on this very subject. (I'm not trying to search-shame you. I just wanted to illustrate how common this question is.)

    In order to keep the amount of network traffic down, the game client isn't in constant communication with the server. When you put up shields, it's best to check the leader board to force server communication. That helps make sure the server is aware that you put up a shield. However, if someone has a game in progress against your team when you shield, their win can still cause you to lose points.

    As for the points changing, that's also because of a delay between client and server. Had you gone into the leader board right after you got the notification about the loss, you would have seen your new point total and rank immediately.
  • mu7an7
    mu7an7 Posts: 34
    Thanks for the answer, not the answer what I wanted to hear but such is life. I will learn from this and keep my shield hops a bit shorter next time.
