5* should not expire

Kevmcg Posts: 122 Tile Toppler
I don't have one yet, but based on all the chatter in alliances about their scaling effects on PVE, maybe a special feature of 5* is that they can be held and not expire until a player is ready for them. I know some have low to mid rosters have sold surfer based on fears and others are debating what to do with the 14 day clock ticking.


  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    Completely agree here, if we can't have a timeless roster vault, then at least 5 stars that we can store until we're ready for them. These are extremely rare characters and 4 stars show up just as much as 3 stars so using LT is a bit of a necessity for many middling teams with a mixture of leveled out 2s, a couple of high 3s, and several 4s with a few covers.

    5 stars drastically over scale us, so we're essentially being punished for lucking into an epic lucky reward.
  • DAC169
    DAC169 Posts: 122 Tile Toppler
    I agree it's kinda stupid that there's no way to save covers for a far off future date, but I don't think it would be possible to make an exception for a rarity level without completely reworking the cover rewards system.
    But if we could I'd kinda like it to completely be based on rarity. Something like
    • 1* = 1 week
    • 2* = 2 weeks
    • 3* = 4 weeks (1 month)
    • 4* = 8 weeks (2 months)
    • 5* = 16 weeks (4 months)
    Of course, I'd also like to see some way of both sorting & filtering the rewards. That way I can just instantly sell all my 1*s & 2*s while keeping anything higher to sort through
    smkspy wrote:
    a timeless roster vault
    now this idea I like. A vault we can place covers into until we can used them, whether it's due to lack of HP for roster slots or drawing a 4* with a starting 1* roster.
    Question is, how would it work? Would we have to pay ISO, HP, or would it be free? How big would this vault be? Would different rarities take up different amounts of "space" in the vault? Would it be in there until we use or sell it, or would we just be extending how long until it expires(so not actually a vault)?
    Personally, I'd like it to be something like paying half the ISO sell cost to place it in a vault that simply holds 20 (or more) covers.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think a continuous payment of iso would work. Kinda like a savings account. Otherwise I don't think it would really too coding just to make the 5 stars eternal.

    Or they could add a feature where you roster one of these guys but then can lock them out of your roster so you don't get upscaled. We'd still have to buy HP for rosters, could keep those rare covers, and not get penalized for having them.