D3's Refusal to Compensate us for Major Glitch Last Season

San Narciso
San Narciso Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
I'm bringing this case to the forums since private communication with D3 has failed thus far.

I am part of an alliance with several teams. We all work hard to be top 100 for the season. We had 3 alliances we were trying to secure by moving a couple people around to distribute points more evenly. This had been done more than an hour before the final event ended of last season.

However, once a player switched with another, one of our alliances didn't receive the new player's points. This put us right out of t100. The points would have put us in the 70s or 80s ranking range. After tickets and discussions with D3, saying we were secured and in place well before the event ended, which included screen shots proving this, they told us they can't do anything about it. And they would not reward us our legendary tokens.

20 of our players got screwed because of a glitch where the player's points wouldn't be added to the alliance points for the season. And this is "normal" according to D3 because we moved players around "under the wire". With more than an hour left this wasn't the last minute. We had several mercs who had joined so now our name is tarnished as we had guaranteed t100 for the season. D3 royally screwed us and refuses to compensate.

This is just another example of terrible customer service and an utter lack of respect for their players. Events have a timer. Events do not end until the timer ends. We did our due diligence and made sure we had our teams as we wanted them. D3 may not like teams "shuffling" but that doesn't mean they should penalize teams who do. There has never been a statement that points may be "locked out" if it's not the same team you started an event with. Especially when that event is a season.

I sat on my hands instead of writing a rage fueled post, and now that I've cooled down I wanted to express how unjust this is and how unhappy I am with the customer service of D3. If they want teams to be locked in at the beginning of events, they can do that. That's what they did for Ultron and Galactus. They allow us to have flexibility and we use that to our advantage. Now they refuse to reward us our well earned rewards that 20 of us worked very hard for all season.

Extremely dissatisfied customer here (along with my 19 alliance mates that were also robbed).


  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    If you haven't already, I'd recommend sending a PM to the community manager, David [Hi-Fi] Moore. He may be able to get someone further up the escalation chain to take a second look at your support ticket(s).
  • San Narciso
    San Narciso Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    DayvBang wrote:
    If you haven't already, I'd recommend sending a PM to the community manager, David [Hi-Fi] Moore. He may be able to get someone further up the escalation chain to take a second look at your support ticket(s).

    Thank you for the advice. I will do this now.
  • San Narciso
    San Narciso Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    I'm still hoping for some sort of positive response or change of heart on D3's end.
    But thus far I've received silence.
    Here's hoping I grab someone's attentions.

    -joe / josephesque
  • David [Hi-Fi] Moore
    David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
    Hi, joe / josephesque

    Send me a Support ticket number and I'll have a look-see.

  • San Narciso
    San Narciso Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    I would like to thank David [Hi-Fi] Moore for taking the time to review my case and discuss with me.
    I was feeling down about support from D3, but David made up for it with his expedient and thoughtful responses. He took the time to review our scenario on an individual basis, and came up with what I believe is a more than fair outcome.

    End of story.