All progress wiped and back to tutorial??

Xynnia Posts: 3 Just Dropped In
I was really shocked this morning when I opened up MPQ to find that after weeks of progress and playing happily, I was suddenly back to the beginners' tutorial with no record of all my progress and no choice but to play through the damn thing before I could do anything else.

Luckily I do have my progress backed up with Facebook but I have no option to access it unless I play through the entire tutorial, which is incredibly long, boring and frustrating for someone who is an experienced player and just wants to get their data. Seriously, you couldn't have built in a "Skip this" option?

I have no idea why the data wipe even happened; my phone had some issues yesterday but they were hardware related and shouldn't have affected MPQ at all. I was really shocked to find this had happened with no explanation and no perceivable way of doing anything about it. Really frustrated and angry right now.


  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Happens to me once in a while when a major FB app update occurs.. If you are in one of the regions getting to test out all the new FB functions before the worldwide release, you may have gotten the new app auto downloaded..