Kicked low scorer in GALACTUS & rejoined by 19/20

bi0h4z4rd84 Posts: 51
I am walkerbear from "BiA PvE". One IF our guys needed a 2 day break so we kicked him & brought in a temp.
Well even when the temp was fighting with us it was 19/20 players in event.
I told him to push the points/rank button at the top left and it showed his old alliance.
So we was like Ok... I'm outta here. An hour later my guy is back and I put him back in the roster. I not I e a few hours later OMG WE ARE STILL 19 OF 20. So I had him check his rank and it showed a diff alliance.

**** do I do? What can I do?


  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is what the warnings when first entering the Galactus event were about. Whatever alliance you were in when you started the event is the one your points count towards. Your regular member started the event somewhere else. Your merc started the event somewhere else. Neither of them were able to bring those points over or earn points for your alliance after joining.

    For boss events, you need to lock in your 20 players before the start.
  • No no the guy we kicked had already SCORED and made points in our group and we were 20 of 20.
    He went to different alliance for a few days after I noticed his replacement (who STARTED in a different alliance) was not making points for us & were were 19 of 20.
    When I got my original guy that we have replaced who had started with us and made those points with us he finished the tournament with us but about an hour before it ended I noticed once again 19 out of 20 and when he showed me his roster when I a got my original guy that we have a place who had started with us and made those points with us he finishes the tournament with us but about an hour before it ended I noticed we we're still at 19 out of 20 and when he showed me his roster he had the ROSTER of a different alliance.
    So I asked if her friend who had started with us and main point with us went to a different group how come he was able to make points with that group instead of us cuz his replacement made points but it was for his alliance.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    You should open a customer support ticket.

    Also, maybe try to avoid run-on sentences in it; that description is really confusing.
  • Nightglider1
    Nightglider1 Posts: 703 Critical Contributor
    Or you could have saved yourself the trouble and realized that merc'ing wouldn't work in this event.

    Sorry, that sounds snarky. Not meant to be, honest!