Hi, I'm Peter & I have a problem...I kinda liked Galactus



  • As many have pointed out, I loved the timing mechanics and the ability to clear anytime within a 8hr window, it is a far better than the regular pve grind.
    That said, everything else was frustrating: essential nodes in round 7, the 'get a bad starting board and die' mechanics, only 2 or 3 teams can get you to survive a little longer, tough luck if you don't have XF/PX (full blues)/IF/Hulk(maxed)/cap marvel (unmaxed) beyond round 6, the idea that it is ok to design a Flappy-Bird style (you are supposed to die often) game mechanic in a pay to compete game, etc...
    In round 7 almost every Galactus match was almost identical (get lucky board, wait for hulk to get hit, hope for 5 match, repeat).

    So yes some parts were fun, but they were overwhelmingly over-shadowed by the bad parts.

    I reached the legendary token, but I did not have fun. That said kudos for the optimists amongst us who did have fun, I envy you.
  • I don't find your enjoyment of Galactus to be problematic at all. There's nothing more frustrating than dealing with someone who simply refuses to see anything beyond their own viewpoint. I'm not that guy.

    While I am less than thrilled with recent events in the MPQ world, I'd be hard-pressed to pretend I couldn't find anything good about the event...

    1. MUCH more open play times allowing for more freedom to play around "real life" events, as well as some character healing.
    2. Retroactive awarding of tokens for alliance members who didn't or couldn't play finished Stages.
    3. The difficulty levels of the nodes in comparison to the boss fight in earlier waves before they jumped through the stratosphere.
    4. Realizing it was largely a re-skin of Ultron, I happened to enjoy the mechanics and presentation of Galactus himself.

    Going to keep this positive so as not to derail the thread, so yeah, some positive aspects of the event.
