What's next?

Well the anniversary and Galactus were utter failures to say the least. We all know nothing is going to be done and eventually everyone will go back to PVPs and grinding PVEs. We'll all go back to yelling about **** token odds and how IW is the star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png Moonstone. How are you going to the next step?

Well for me, I blew a lot of HP in the DDQ Vault and that was fun. I have never seen so much gold (Even if it was 3 covers of DP I already have.) Granted I didn't get Dino or a legendary, but Gamora got some more covers, Shulk got two, IF green, and a Mystique blue. Pulled a good bit of ISO, HP, and health packs. Re-rostered Elektra. Even my 2* pulls where nice as i finished up OBW. Speaking of widow, I got two GSBW covers as well. (MORE GOLD, FINALLY!)

If anyone says we should have a vault, I totally agree. At least you can see RNGesus **** you over the rail than hope for a gold token that may not be of any use.

Sim starts in about 11h for me and I'm excited for something that many hate!

I'll probably re-join PVP for Season 20, since 19.5 has **** awards...

The anger of this clusterkitty still remains, but I'm looking forward to whatever doesn't mention G or A again.