Galactus event was the worst thing ever until D3 response

This anniversary season has been an utter joke so far
D3 has created an event that literally we all had to cheat/break the game design to beat. Needing to use winfinite or hulk bombing/anger is ridiculous. This game mode clearly wasn't tested by anyone who isnt an employee. This game mode has been as fun as seeing if the "cinnamon challenge" is a real thing (it's real & about as much fun as fighting Galactus)

While the event has been horrifyingly bad, at least the rewards are decent compensation. Assuming you can earn them (which my alliance will w great struggle). This event is easier than dealing w a 7 day pve top 10 finish to get all 3 covers. While it has been struggle, we are pushing through. Which makes the response that D3 wrote to be not only in poor taste but it shows 0% sensitivity to customers & also shows that using "their metrics" can be flawed and lead to strange outcomes on D3's part because they are misreading the metrics (like people aren't beating R8 because of regular gameplay. Force closing 1-5 times per galactus node doesn't get captured by your metrics. That's why it's done).

Also this was posted separately from the D3 post because that post is so flawed that I seriously didn't want to attach this to that farce

TL:DR D3 are a bunch of jerks that have taken a celebratory time & given us a sugar coated turd & are trying to pass it off as "fun holiday candy but not the kind you're used to"

Then justifying it w this nonsense???

Some "highlights"
"To start, it seems like a lot of people are on a basic disconnect here, looking at the boss battle similar to how Ultron ran in terms of how things work. Meaning that Ultron should be going down pretty regularly." - why??? You design the game. You make the rules. If you design an event that is almost the same as another then expect comparisons. It is a "LAZY" design. Honestly what else should people compare this atrocity to: pvp (different) pve (different) deadpool daily (different) ultron (a match). So you made it "slightly" different. Not impressed

"Galactus is different. The "minion" fights against the villains are relatively simple." - umm not at all. Please explain how you think that multi wave fights of 3 level 300+ enemies is "simple". I have 10 max 4* and barely made it through some nodes. All required a health pack or leaving a dead character down. Several total wipes occurred as well. Again "relatively simple" means "not getting my lunch taken from me in every battle"

"You're supposed to lose" - we never have before. NEVER in the game until now have we had ANY REASON to gain ANYTHING from losing. Yet this event was designed w that in mind. Of course D3 chose to leave this as a hidden surprise of anniversary season. Of course they could provide us w that horrible month long clock but no explanation of what's coming. Then when the event arrives the ONLY method D3 provides to explain THIS MASSIVE CHANGE is one pop up saying to get maximum damage. What a design fail

"Overall, most of the higher end Alliances are in Round 6 or knocking on the door to Round 7. Which is actually slightly faster than we were expecting people to get just based on the math. So everyone's doing pretty darned well in terms of progression. There are some teams rockin' the Winfinite, other teams that are pushing through with some interesting strategies (who woulda thought OBW would be a rock star against Galactus?). Not many Alliances are getting anywhere near full clears. Which is actually intended. You're supposed to lose your Health Packs on Galactus, rather than against the minions like on Ultron" - it has taken every alliance using "force close" (force close the app when you can't win for another chance a galactus. Lose some health in the process but have a chance to gain more points) & winfinite & hulk bombing to get this far. We have only matched their estimates from cheating/breaking the game on multiple fronts. CLEARLY that's at D3 must have had planned. Also IT WAS INTENDED for us to fail??? What a jerk move. This is supposed to be a celebratory time to mark 2 years of playing. Instead we just kick in the groin. And it wasn't an accident

"Yes, the gameplay is different. I'm sure most of you aren't used to going into a battle with the idea that you may well lose" - we aren't used to it because the game has never be designed like that until this weekend w no warning

"At the outset, going into the boss battle, you're looking at winning like normal. After all, it works elsewhere in the game, and it worked against Ultron. So suddenly getting rocked by Galactus is a shock." - what a condescending piece of garbage. 'so we tricked you w a new style of play & have covered it up totally so you'll have to find out by suddenly failing for the first time in 2 years'. What a bunch of ego maniacs to literally try to trick us through deception & then give us this piece of swill excuse as to "their plan"

I find this response one of the most self serving pieces of propaganda I've seen in awhile. D3 should be ashamed of themselves & should publicly apologize asap.

I was quite excited about anniversary season. Looked forward to it for 2 months. Now I wanna delete the app. D3 has really outdone themselves this time


  • I've only been playing say half a year. I was excited to face Galactus and maybe get some good rewards. So after first few rounds it's ok... Couple of Anniversary tokens.. This will be awesome... But what is this 4 tokens and all 2 star heroes.... So this event so far has been nothing but an annoyance and a waste of time. To top of the fact that now Galactus minions are getting exponentially harder... Like 1 star Spiderman essential with 8 freaking ninjas that "Turn to smoke" followed by a Gorgon that insta gibs you.
    I didn't expect to get Cyclops this event. But at this rate the 90000000 points to get a 3 star Torch is just not worth it for someone who doesn't have a full level 4 roster with 70+ heroes all maxed...

    I would not of posted anything but I just killed Galactus with great luck in Round 5 guess what I received from this valiant effort ... 40 Iso ....... Literally not enough to do anything anywhere in the game... It's a double reward oh that's amazing... It's still completely and utterly useless. It's quite obvious that this event was made to suck money from peoples wallets.

    Let's get onto those Anniversary tokens hey? ... 2 stars... for everyone... But wait there is a small chance you could get 2900... After you sift through your maybe 10 tokens you get from this event you may end up with ..... 2500 Iso .... Oh I see why I keep playing this great event... Oh hang on no I don't. I'm not in an alliance that will be able to achieve a Round 8 clear let alone a round 6 clear. Oh but don't worry it will continue for another 6 days.

    PvP events are a turn off because I found if you level heroes to a certain point you get put against people with 4 stars over level 200. SO Black Vortex is pretty useless to me.

    An event like this is meant to give you incentive to play but clearly the majority consensus is that this event is a pointless endeavor of infuriating proportions.

    Why are Anniversary token not guaranteed 3 star above? There is a massive collection of 3 star heroes if you actually had someone in the marketing department who really wanted to make money and not just "get by" you would of used this opportunity to exploit everyone by guaranteeing a 3 star cover and above in those Anniversary tokens you had the potential to make more money then you ever had before.