Advice for D3

OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
edited October 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Someone in the gigantic thread stickied at the top posted the response received from D3 stating that the majority of the user base is enjoying this event. I imagine that they way they have collected this data is by looking at the numbers playing this event and decided that since people were playing they must be enjoying it. Ignoring this glaring error for a moment (if that were true then any employer could say that the fact that people turned up for work shows they are loving it) there is a very simple way to see if this statement is true.... when the game loads up have a pop up window which you cannot bypass until you have cast a vote on whether you feel this event was enjoyable or not. Then post the results to the forum. If you're right and the majority of users are enjoying it then the poll will reflect that and I will retract any negative comments I have made previously.

A forum poll was our way of showing our dissatisfaction but I think the line that D3 will roll out will be something like - the forum is were only a small percentage of the player base are and so is not representative of the entire player base. And they may be right about that. So prove us wrong D3, in game unskippable voting will capture every single persons opinion as they play the event.

I feel confident in suggesting this that I (and everyone else on the forum including some mods) will be proven right. I also expect that you won't do this, as it will prove you wrong.


  • Lee T
    Lee T Posts: 318
    That would be interesting. Discounting a group for being a minority amongst a larger group is not enough, you have to prove it's not representative first and foremost.
  • alphabeta
    alphabeta Posts: 469 Mover and Shaker
    Brilliant suggestion - if d3 don't do it I think it will prove they know they are oying when they say the majority enjoyed it - simple open poll and post the results.

    Anyone want to hazard a prediction of outcome.

    I'll go 80% hate it. 15% neutral. 5% like it

    Manly because some people always wimp out and go in the middle 'because it might not really be anonymous' so in reality it's more like 95% hate it
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    As both a psychologist and a psychological researcher I'm well accustomed to trying to find results which are both representative (and therefore applicable) of your target demographic and also unbiased. I think this suggestion is the best possible way to collect data, the analysis of that data I imagine they won't use the same kind of statistical tests that I have to but at least we can get a demographic idea.

    My area of expertise is (very ironically) compulsive and addictive behavior on internet media
  • Lboogie
    Lboogie Posts: 55
    I love this idea. D3 please do this...the results will be surprising
  • tanis3303
    tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    Judging by the sheer number of post from names I rarely see, new posters signing up to the forum just to express their distaste, former white knights and even green names all spewing hate for this nonsense, yea...lets do this. I really don't care that the forum goers are a "vocal minority". Check reddit. Have a read on the facebook page. No one is happy, no one's having fun. Are we playing it? We're trying, mostly because no one wants to let their alliance down. That doesn't mean we're enjoying it.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    Their in-game popups are better used in reminding us that the sale is ending soon, ugh.
  • JVReal wrote:
    Their in-game popups are better used in reminding us that the sale is ending soon, ugh.

    I was just thinking the same this morning. I already felt a sense of dread opening my game, only to be greeted with yet ANOTHER "anniversary celebration" reminder of what's actually important during this festive time…

    Said it before, I'll say it again, everyone be sure to thank a whale for the game the rest of us are playing.

  • Kirinknight
    Kirinknight Posts: 26 Just Dropped In
    Agree with the many sentiments that this game is no longer fun. I know this is impossible, but wish they would test this stuff before release.
    New rule: Nobody can collect a paycheck until 1 D3 office alliance can beat the event in the allotted time given to players. No backend cheating and whaling characters...not that it helps.