GAMBIT (Classic) star.pngstar.pngstar.png

purpleflag.png Volley of Cards 9 AP

Gambit throws his loaded letters of power on the battlefield randomly destroying three basic tiles , dealing 150 damage per tile

Lv 2 - Destroy 4 Basic Tiles
Lv 3 - Destroy strike, Protect and Attack Tiles, dealing 250 damage per tile
LV 4 - Destroy 6 Tiles
LV 5 - Destroy any tile, dealing 350 damage per tile

blackflag.png Surprise Explosion 7 AP

Gambit Energizes sneak an object gerande a sudden and unexpected outburst of enemies , adding a third turn tile countdown to the board , which ultimately explodes destroying the tiles around and stunning the enemy for one turn , generating AP

LV 2 - Stuns for 2 tuns
LV 3 - Dealing 650 Damage
LV 4 - The blast area increases to 5 x 5
LV 5 - Dealing 1050 damage

blueflag.png Prince of Thieves (Passive) 0 AP

Gambit uses his hypnotic charm and cunning skill to unlock the secrets of opponents and so take advantage them. At the beginning of each shift , if not already, gambit puts a 5 turn tile countdown on the board , stealing to end 3 AP of its strongest color.

LV 2 - Steal 4 AP
LV 3 - 4 turns countdown tiles
LV 4 - Steal 6 AP
LV 5 - 3 turns countdown tiles


Vampira (Classic) star.pngstar.pngstar.png Gold

purpleflag.png Absortion Power 8AP

Rogue removes his gloves and makes physical contact with the enemy absorbing his strength , stealing 4 AP of its strongest color and stunning the opponent for 1 turn . Rogue is stunned for 2 turns .

LV 2 - Stuns the opponent for 2 turns
LV 3 - 6 steals AP from its strongest color
LV 4 - Stuns the Opponent for 3 turns
LV 5 - Rogue not stuns

yellowflag.png Friendly Aid (Passive) 0 AP

When Rogue allies are achieved in 10 % of her life, she goes to the aid of your friends retaliating the attack , dealing 350 damage to the opponent.

LV 2 - puts a protective tile 125 on the board.
LV 3 - puts a strike tile 125 on the board.
LV 4 - 650 of damage
LV 5 - increases damage to 850 and the protective tiles and strike for 175 , if the Allies are less than 50% health.

greenflag.png Powerfull Punch 10 AP

Rogue flies the battlefield and in an oblique strikes a powerful punch to the opponent , destroying a selected basic tile , stunning the opponent for 1 turn and give 1025 damage.

LV 2 - Sturns for 2 turns
LV 3 - Destroy around the tile selected in 3x3 generates no AP
LV 4 - Deals 2500 damage
LV 5 - Increases the area of board of destruction in 5 x 5


Jean Grey (Classic) star.pngstar.pngstar.png Gold

purpleflag.png powerful telekinesis 8 AP

Jean uses her incredible telekinesis to defend its allies and attack your enemys , creating 2 protect and strike tiles at 75 .

If there are 10 or more blue AP uses his telekinesis to throw huge objects on the team opponent dealing 950 damage

LV 2 - Creates 3 ​​protect tiles and tiles 2 strike
LV 3 - Increases Protect and Strike tiles to 95
LV 4 - Creates protect tiles 4 and 3 Strike Tiles
LV 5 - Increases Protect and Strike tiles to 105

blueflag.png Mind Control (Passive) 0 AP
Jean enters the mind of the opponent blocking their aggressive instincts and finding their weaknesses , when the opponent team makes a match 5 jean adds to board a 3- turn countdown tile that at the end stuns the opponent for 1 turn and steals 2 red and green AP .

Lv 2 - Steals 2 purple and blue
LV 3 - Stuns the opponent team for 2 turns
LV 4 - Steals 2 black and yellow
LV 5 -1 turn Countdown Tile

yellowflag.png introduced illusions (Passive) 0 AP

Jean Grey enters the mind of the opponent team confusing them and causing them to self destroy . Every time the board has 10 or more tiles of the strongest color of the opponent team Jean adds a third turn countdown tile to the board , while the tile is active any enemy team's attack to be struck against their own allies.

Lv 2 - Add tile countdown each time the opponent team has 9 or more tiles of the strongest color on the board

LV 3 -4 turn countdown tiles

LV 4 - Add tile countdown each time the opponent team has 8 or more tiles of the strongest color on the board .

LV 5 -5 turn countdown tile



  • Jubilee (Classic) star.pngstar.pngstar.png

    purpleflag.png Protected (Passive) 0 AP

    Jubilee is attacked when receiving damage exceeding 6 % of its health, its allies come to your aid launching a 55 protective tile on the board. If Jubilee is attacked by 10% of their health being 50% or less of their maximum health an ally strikes a random power on the enemy.

    LV 2 - receive assistance to get 5 % damage your health

    LV 3 - Increases protect tile to 65

    LV 4 - If Jubilee is attacked with 8 % of their health , being below 50 % of your maximum health one ally strikes a random power.

    LV 5 - Increases Protect tile to 85

    blackflag.png Fireworks 7 AP

    Jubilee launches the enemy one plasmic electrical discharge, similar to fireworks blinding him for one turn and dealing 150 damage .

    LV 2 - Deal 175 damage

    LV 3 - 1 AP less (6 AP )

    LV 4 - Deal 250 damage

    LV 5 - 1 AP less ( 5 AP )

    yellowflag.png impetus youth 8 AP

    Jubilee is a teenager hungry for action, although sometimes reckless and immature she inspires her allies on the battlefield , adding a third turn countdown tile to the board that ultimately becomes a 85 strike tile .

    LV 2 - Increases 105 strike tile

    LV 3-2 turn countdown tile

    LV 4 - Creates 2 countdown tiles

    LV 5 - Increases 135 strike Tiles

  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    The Jubilee saddens me, because she'll never see the light of day, but sounds awfully fun.