Boycotting Galactus round 2

Rhycar Posts: 107 Tile Toppler
edited October 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
So, we've all played the first Galactus round. We've all experienced how dreadful it is, and we've all heard the insulting explanation. The bottom line is this: Galactus isn't fun, and it isn't fun by design. It is a slap on the face to all of us who have given MPQ our time and money. And I think by now we all realize that no amount of complaining or posting is going to get the developers' attention.

So my alliance has decided we are going to boycott the second Galactus event entirely. Not one of us will play a single Galactus node, instead playing only PvP and DDQ. It sucks we won't get Red Hulk, but that's the price we are willing to pay. Because this event is nothing more than a giant middle finger to all of us, we are collectively demonstrating our frustration. We are insulted, fed up, and not willing to be ATMs for D3 to tap whenever they want.

This could all be a meaningless gesture. One alliance that falls just outside the top 100 in PvP taking a stand. But if more of us do the same, if the big and small alliances all boycott the next Galactus event, maybe we can actually be noticed. Maybe the game we all love and enjoy and invest in might actually get better.

So if you want to join us, take this to your alliance and let's take a stand.

My alliance is Carnage Family, and we are boycotting Galactus.


  • Last night I lost to Galactus rounds back to back. This made me frustrated and I ended up breaking one of my Star Wars glasses. And I love Star Wars 10X more than Marvel. I've never broken anything in anger before, but it was 50% carelessness. While picking up shards, I got cut pretty bad where blood just oozed out unrealistically fast like Bella's New Moon papercut.

    So Galactus made me physically bleed. But no, I will not boycott and I hope none of my alliance members do either. If any of them want to, they should just let the commander know and we can merc out that spot. I still want Red Hulk no matter at what cost of respect or integrity. icon_e_smile.gif

    There are ways to defeat Galactus and it works 50%+ of the time in Round 6+7. If you know that the next move will down you, exit the match and save your health. Try again.
    I see wins with Cyk+Fist+Hulk, PX+GSBW+(SW/2*Mag/Hulk). SW is not so good in Round 6+ unless you can use her green. 2*Mag can be used as a back up with 9 purple, if 11 purple was not obtainable. You need 5/x/x PX and/or x/x/5 Hulk to get good results.
  • tmurf5387
    tmurf5387 Posts: 15 Just Dropped In
    Do we even know there will be a Galactus round 2? IIRC somebody stated that Simulator will be coming.