two bugs i think ; infero and team up powers

1) I used human torches inferno power, then when i tried to use that skill again for the 2nd time in the same turn, it wouldnt let me.
But you can clearly see in the screenshot below that there are still enough "basic color tiles" left
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Omg you serious? Its 2015

2) i play in the black vortex 'event' against a player with that only has 1 team up ability, the black panther one to generate a defensive tile. But he uses that one ability 4 times in my battle. How is that even possible. I can only use each team up ability only once .....


  • Nightglider1
    Nightglider1 Posts: 703 Critical Contributor
    Inferno only affects the same 8 tiles near the center of the board. If you try to use it a second time in a row, those tiles are no longer "basic" and cannot be overwritten into attack tiles. The power description is poorly written.
  • DAC169
    DAC169 Posts: 122 Tile Toppler
    Frasaria wrote:
    1) I used human torches inferno power, then when i tried to use that skill again for the 2nd time in the same turn, it wouldnt let me.
    But you can clearly see in the screenshot below that there are still enough "basic color tiles" left


    2) i play in the black vortex 'event' against a player with that only has 1 team up ability, the black panther one to generate a defensive tile. But he uses that one ability 4 times in my battle. How is that even possible. I can only use each team up ability only once .....
    1) it's only those specific 8 tiles

    2) when team-ups create countdown tiles they'll pop the team-up icon up every time it goes off. I've seen it on Punisher's Molotov Cocktail a lot