Galactus AP issue

Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
I was using OBW, 3* Captain America and Psylock because let's face it it doesn't seem to matter who you lose with. I was monitoring Galactus AP very carefully to fire off a Bewilder to resolve on the turn before there was enough to black for Cosmic Wrath. Galactus had 27 black AP after all the Cosmic tiles had resolved then Cosmic Wrath triggered and left Galactus with 2 black AP!

This battle is hard enough already with countdown tiles not behaving properly or the massively impossible task of clearing up to 4 special tiles per turn without Cosmic Wrath being cast for 25 or heck even 27 AP.

If this happens again I will try to get a screen cap and send a ticket to support.