Something, anything!!!

Aside from making a thread in which we are permitted to vent when the hell are we going to hear something? ??!!!

This really is alarmingly rude!!! I know there will always be people that continue to support the game regardless of the issues this game goes through but i really am totally appalled at the lack of dialogue from yourselves considering what an unmitigated disaster this so called celebration of an anniversary event is. Im not going to go through all the issues as they are all nicely stacked in one big thread but come on now. Surely the least we deserve is some sort of response by now what your view/stance is.

You've build this event up for long enough to get us all excited but since its all fallen flat all the tumbleweed is rolling past.


  • rollx
    rollx Posts: 71 Match Maker
    I'm hoping they are all frantically running around doing what they can to fix this catastrophe.
  • The Viceroy Returns
    The Viceroy Returns Posts: 493 Mover and Shaker
    The timing of NYCC could not have been worse for the launch of a brand new event of this scope.
    Ice X is most likely there, as is Hi-Fi. So the two most likely people to comment on anything are not even able to access a compute most likely, and are 100% busy all day during business hours. To expect them to come in here during off-hours while out of town at a convention is a big ask, even if there's a valid reason for it.

    Another thing to think about is the change in ownership of Demiurge. Now that it's owned by Sega, as more time passes, they will probably devote less and less development resources to this game in favor of the other Sega-driven projects. Interesting how in the last two monthly dev videos, Demiurge_Will, the supposed "lead designer", hasn't been in the videos. Makes you wonder...
  • The timing of NYCC could not have been worse for the launch of a brand new event of this scope.
    Ice X is most likely there, as is Hi-Fi. So the two most likely people to comment on anything are not even able to access a compute most likely, and are 100% busy all day during business hours. To expect them to come in here during off-hours while out of town at a convention is a big ask, even if there's a valid reason for it.
    Oh this 1990? There are these absolutely magical devices that have been invented called smartphones. You know the things that many of us play this game on? These magical devices have access to form of sorcery called the internet which allows you to visit webpages like this forum or heck even to post of Facebook. So unless the convention is taking place in a concrete cave a mile underground where this no reception I kind of have to think that someone could find 5 freaking minutes to open an browser type an very brief acknowledgement that they are aware of our complaints and will do...something when they get the chance instead of sticking their fingers in their ears closing their eyes and pretending nothing is wrong with this train-wreck as long as humanly possible.
  • The Viceroy Returns
    The Viceroy Returns Posts: 493 Mover and Shaker
    ibar726 wrote:
    The timing of NYCC could not have been worse for the launch of a brand new event of this scope.
    Ice X is most likely there, as is Hi-Fi. So the two most likely people to comment on anything are not even able to access a compute most likely, and are 100% busy all day during business hours. To expect them to come in here during off-hours while out of town at a convention is a big ask, even if there's a valid reason for it.
    Oh this 1990? There are these absolutely magical devices that have been invented called smartphones. You know the things that many of us play this game on? These magical devices have access to form of sorcery called the internet which allows you to visit webpages like this forum. So unless the convention is taking place in a concrete cave where this no reception I kind of have to think that someone could find 5 freaking minutes to open an browser type an very brief acknowledgement that they are aware of our complaints and will do...something when they get the chance instead of sticking their fingers in their ears closing their eyes and pretending nothing is wrong with this train-wreck as long as humanly possible.

    I knew someone would replay with snark like this.
    First off, have you ever been to a con and tried to get on wifi? It's often spotty, or you have to pay extra. And many older convention hall actually ARE concrete caves that are black holes of reception.

    Second, have you ever worked a booth at a con before as a video game developer/publisher? Just because the technology exists to do these things you say doesn't mean they do.
    I'm fully aware that they have access to the game/forum while at a con. C2E2 in Chicago they very prominently had laptops that let them access dev-specific aspects of the game. It's how they are able to give specific player the raffle rewards.

    However, what would serve them better while on the show floor?
    A) Being stationed 100% in front of a monitor/laptop/screen dealing with us?
    B) Or interacting with actual humans in face to face interactions? Ya know, the reason they are there. Not to mention all of the panels they are a part of.

    Besides, the people that could do the most to actually fix problems aren't there. It's true that often devs don't man their booths at cons, it's usually bizDev/publisher/marketing types. Demiurge_Will was at C2E2 in 2014, but not 2015, so it does happen sometimes.

    TL:DR = As a publisher, if you're going to present your game at a con, you should probably prioritize interacting with people at the con over the foaming at the mouth forums, even if the current state of the game is on shaky ground. If those people that are manning the booth are ALSO the ones that would fix these issues, then there's problems with how the team is structured.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    Alternately: If you're going to have a good chunk of your team staffing a booth at a con, don't schedule a major new event in their game at the same time so they won't be available to fix whatever goes wrong.
  • Jasonzakibe
    Jasonzakibe Posts: 89 Match Maker
    Lol the first Ultron was right before a big con too. That worked out well right?
  • brisashi
    brisashi Posts: 418 Mover and Shaker
    The silence makes me think that many of the things we are upset about are working as intended, which is more trouble than them screwing things up by mistake.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    ibar726 wrote:
    The timing of NYCC could not have been worse for the launch of a brand new event of this scope.
    Ice X is most likely there, as is Hi-Fi. So the two most likely people to comment on anything are not even able to access a compute most likely, and are 100% busy all day during business hours. To expect them to come in here during off-hours while out of town at a convention is a big ask, even if there's a valid reason for it.
    Oh this 1990? There are these absolutely magical devices that have been invented called smartphones. You know the things that many of us play this game on? These magical devices have access to form of sorcery called the internet which allows you to visit webpages like this forum. So unless the convention is taking place in a concrete cave where this no reception I kind of have to think that someone could find 5 freaking minutes to open an browser type an very brief acknowledgement that they are aware of our complaints and will do...something when they get the chance instead of sticking their fingers in their ears closing their eyes and pretending nothing is wrong with this train-wreck as long as humanly possible.

    I knew someone would replay with snark like this.
    First off, have you ever been to a con and tried to get on wifi? It's often spotty, or you have to pay extra. And many older convention hall actually ARE concrete caves that are black holes of reception.

    Second, have you ever worked a booth at a con before as a video game developer/publisher? Just because the technology exists to do these things you say doesn't mean they do.
    I'm fully aware that they have access to the game/forum while at a con. C2E2 in Chicago they very prominently had laptops that let them access dev-specific aspects of the game. It's how they are able to give specific player the raffle rewards.

    However, what would serve them better while on the show floor?
    A) Being stationed 100% in front of a monitor/laptop/screen dealing with us?
    B) Or interacting with actual humans in face to face interactions? Ya know, the reason they are there. Not to mention all of the panels they are a part of.

    Besides, the people that could do the most to actually fix problems aren't there. It's true that often devs don't man their booths at cons, it's usually bizDev/publisher/marketing types. Demiurge_Will was at C2E2 in 2014, but not 2015, so it does happen sometimes.

    TL:DR = As a publisher, if you're going to present your game at a con, you should probably prioritize interacting with people at the con over the foaming at the mouth forums, even if the current state of the game is on shaky ground. If those people that are manning the booth are ALSO the ones that would fix these issues, then there's problems with how the team is structured.

    I get that being in a con is important and costs money, but a PR disaster like this one could cost them far more money in the long run. And a call to the studio to see how things are going and 30min to write something to reassure your most loyal fanbase I dont think is asking too much...
  • stowaway
    stowaway Posts: 501 Critical Contributor
    The people who are in charge of coding the event, and fixing problems with it, aren't at any comic book convention. Not one of them. There are differences between publishers and developers, and differences between public relations and programming. The Demiurge team all have forum accounts, and have addressed problems in the past. They're either choosing not to, or are under instructions not to.
  • First off, have you ever been to a con and tried to get on wifi? It's often spotty, or you have to pay extra. And many older convention hall actually ARE concrete caves that are black holes of reception.
    Amazing how many people manage to live blog, and post pictures while at cons though... If reception is that awful then step outside for 5 minutes, heck the con is not running 24 hours per day...unless they are living in cages in the convention center then at sometime they are outside in NYC, I'm sure they can find somewhere like a Starbucks/McDonalds/their hotel with a decent WiFi/4g/3g signal for 5 lousy minutes to let us know that they have heard the outcry and are looking at ways to fix it.

    Or heck maybe even call someone. We know not every single D3 employee is at the con...someone had to have pushed the essential node "fix". Could they not have them post a message here/facebook or maybe better yet push a message right thru the game itself to say a retooling of Galactus will be in the works?
    A) Being stationed 100% in front of a monitor/laptop/screen dealing with us?
    Exaggerate much? Again all we are asking for is an single acknowledgement here. That is not something that requires 100% of their time...more like five minutes. Something to give us hope that the rest of this event maybe won't be the disaster the first part has been, or at the very least that the second run of the event will not be more of the same or *gulp* worse?
  • Azoic
    Azoic Posts: 269 Mover and Shaker
    And i am sure they are talking about how great this event is at NYCC lol
  • The Viceroy Returns
    The Viceroy Returns Posts: 493 Mover and Shaker
    ibar726 wrote:
    Amazing how many people manage to live blog, and post pictures while at cons though... If reception is that awful then step outside for 5 minutes, heck the con is not running 24 hours per day...unless they are living in cages in the convention center then at sometime they are outside in NYC, I'm sure they can find somewhere like a Starbucks/McDonalds/their hotel with a decent WiFi/4g/3g signal for 5 lousy minutes to let us know that they have heard the outcry and are looking at ways to fix it.

    After working the con floor for the entire day, it's doubtful they have the energy to do anything "work related" during the con's off-hours. Some of them even go to after parties and such during the evenings, or have dinner meetings and/or meet & greets with various entities. Schedules is pretty packed I'm guessing.
    You would hope that as a booth on the con floor D3 themselves wouldn't have to pay for an acceptable signal, but you'd be surprised how cons nickel & dime booths to squeeze out as much money as they can. I'm guessing they do though, as it would be pretty silly to be showing off a mobile-centric game and not be able to interact with it at all they way they would expect players to. These live bloggers you speak of probably suck it up and pay for the wifi, or do post their stuff from their hotel.
    ibar726 wrote:
    Could they not have them post a message here/facebook or maybe better yet push a message right thru the game itself to say a retooling of Galactus will be in the works?

    Sure, but the D3 employees that are not at the con are probably not authorized to comment in any official way. I wouldn't want to be that red poster that "officially" says something they shouldn't. I've heard about devs actually getting fired for such things. Also, that whole "one voice" thing. For consistency and dealing with the masses easier, publishers like to to have only one or two people able to officially comment. Easier to "control the message". It's just a shame that every single one of them is at NYCC right now.
    Sadly I don't think they are flexible/agile enough to be able to insert an in-game message like that. They should be though. But with a publishing entity the size of D3, even something that simple has to pass through several people to make sure "the message is right". The saying goes it's easier to change the direction of a rowboat than it is the Titantic.
    ibar726 wrote:
    Exaggerate much? Again all we are asking for is an single acknowledgement here. That is not something that requires 100% of their time...more like five minutes. Something to give us hope that the rest of this event maybe won't be the disaster the first part has been, or at the very least that the second run of the event will not be more of the same or *gulp* worse?

    Don't hold your breath. Given past history with the Ultron events I'm guessing the 2nd run will be "at best" an exact copy of this run, and at worst even harder, although that makes no sense because both are rewarding 4 star characters, where as with ultron the first run was a 3 star (Scarlet Witch?) and the 2nd run was 4 star IMHB. I don't count the 3rd run of Ultron that took place a few months after as the reward was a mid-tier 3 star in Captain Marvel, so any sort of analytics are skewed.
    The point remains that once they've got something in game, we've seen very little evidence that they adjust things to make them EASIER. We've got numerous accounts they stealth nerf things, or as the case with Galactus, stealth modify his skill set moments before it goes live.

    Lemme end this by saying I wholeheartedly agree that the roll out of this Anniversary event has been a cluster, for all of the reasons everyone has already documented in countless posts.
    That being said, there is a place somewhere between the devs being at the immediate beck & call of the forums and white noise static. It's just a shame that they are currently 100% in the white noise static end of the spectrum.

    Agreed. SOMETHING should have been posted by now by one of the "authorized devs" that are allowed to comment on it.
    All I'm saying is that the logistics of their presence at NYCC has not helped at all, and scheduling wise is the absolute worst timing window possible given the stability of their in game events. NYCC has more than likely directly impacted their ability to communicate with us about the mess that's the game right now. Given the magnitude of the mess, even a simple "yeah, we know it's a mess" isn't good enough for most.