On communication:

DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
edited October 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Just in case Demiurge need some clarification here, there are three types:

1) non-critical
2) non-verbal
3) critical

They've done fairly well at 1) of late. The problem is, by definition, it isn't critical information. So while it's nice to know who's coming in DDQ or which pvp events are upcoming, a lot of that is available in other places.

That leaves 2) and 3). With 2) what you don't say speaks as loudly as what you do. Bailing to go show the flag at NYCC while things melt down sends a loud message, even if it isn't the one you mean to, and even if the contents of that message don't reflect reality. You're still sending a message.

3) is where you guys have dropped the ball for months. It's one thing to surprise the community with content. It's another to fail to establish the ground rules and set expectations. As confounded as people here have been, what kind of reaction is coming from people who never visit these forums? These events don't start at 2 am. It isn't unreasonable to expect communication from higher timed to go live when the event does. "Hey, kids, Galactus is here. Awesome! Here's how he works. Good luck!"

And that's a separate issue from the criticality of response to "hey, this stuff doesn't work." You can offer compensation, but that's almost always going to be horse gone, shut the door, and for many the compensation doesn't equal the loss or aggravation. It's a thing, but you can temper the need for that thing with better critical communication and more attention paid to the non-verbal messages you may be sending.

Just some friendly advice.