another ddq problem

Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
I think others have mentioned it, but I have finished all 5 ddq nodes today yet only have 10k and change points. Am I not going to get my 2k iso prog rewards?


  • I just had the same issue come up for me finished all 5 nodes...sitting at 12261 points.
  • DFW_Ed
    DFW_Ed Posts: 6
    Having the same issue too, no nodes left to do but did not hit the points total so unable to get the completion reward
  • Same thing for me too. Didn't register any points after the second node. icon_evil.gif
  • ZekeBarrett
    ZekeBarrett Posts: 85 Match Maker
    Same here. I would report it to customer service but I'm sure all I'll just get is a copy & past reply.
  • Mjmacka
    Mjmacka Posts: 55
    I have the same issue except I am 150 points shy of the 2k iso reward.
  • plus 1. same for me.
  • Fubuki
    Fubuki Posts: 16 Just Dropped In
    Same problem here, stuck 8k something
  • this was never resolved for me- do I need to put in a ticket?
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Make sure to submit tickets, this is an easy one for them to fix, and track.
  • wuweird
    wuweird Posts: 75 Match Maker
    When I finished the last node, the post-match tally showed I was ~4k away from the 15k total score, but the actual DDQ score showed it as exactly 15k. The final iso reward didn't trigger, though.
    Malcrof wrote:
    Make sure to submit tickets, this is an easy one for them to fix, and track.
    You'd think so but this issue has persisted for a while.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    wuweird wrote:
    When I finished the last node, the post-match tally showed I was ~4k away from the 15k total score, but the actual DDQ score showed it as exactly 15k. The final iso reward didn't trigger, though.
    Malcrof wrote:
    Make sure to submit tickets, this is an easy one for them to fix, and track.
    You'd think so but this issue has persisted for a while.

    It has happened to me twice, both times i submitted tickets. First time, they saw that the reward was not given, and i had it within hours. 2nd time was during the anniversary, and i did not get the 2k when i finished, so i sent the ticket.. apparently it was delayed, and came an hour later, but i clicked through it without even noticing (anniversary rewards/gifts, etc, i was just clicking fast) they were able to give the exact time it was received and accepted.. which turned out to be correct when i checked my iso.

    Trust me, they log it all, and can see if you did not get it, and can push it to you.