Pull the plug on the anniversary events.

CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
I've said this in the designated complaining thread, but I'm bringing it here because I don't mean it as venting anger -- cutting Galactus and the anniversary PvPs short would be the best thing for the game at this point, and the devs should do it. What else can you do when literally everything involved in the event is broken?

1) The Galactus difficulty curve is way way way out of whack.

2) His key power is bugged, generating countdowns that are one turn shorter than they ought to be.

3) The event structure with nodes staying locked between rounds means we can't play the game nearly as much as during Ultron. Many many people were locked out of entire rounds, unable to get the refreshed node rewards for Galactus or to add to their progression total before entering the ****-shoot later rounds.

4) The nodes staying locked creates a prisoners' dilemma for alliances where it's in each player's best interests not to play until the other alliance members burn through their Galactus fights unlocking a new round, so the ones who didn't contribute are free to take advantage of the refreshed node rewards and higher available points.

5) Odds on anniversary tokens are insultingly low compared to the garden-variety event tokens. Even if they were being given out in big enough quantities to make up for that (they're not) there's still no justification for charging more than twice as much for them as for Heroics. If the idea were to make up for the **** percentages in volume, they would cost less. That's how volume works!

6) The first anniversary PvP is bugged and not handing out points.

7) Double ISO doesn't apply to the biggest ISO generating event, Deadpool's Daily Quest, even though it was promised for "all story events other than the Prologue."

8) Showing how nothing appears to be going right, Iceman didn't enter tokens yesterday as planned.

This is too much to fix on the fly, and players shouldn't be expected to keep dealing with a situation where literally nothing on offer other than the prologue works right. Shut it down.


  • He's right, never has there been a more needed plug pulling than there is right now.
  • Weren't last year's tokens offering something ridiculous like 7% for Devil Dino?
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Weren't last year's tokens offering something ridiculous like 7% for Devil Dino?
    From another thread, here's the single-token odds:
    mindsuckr wrote:
    Finally got in the game. Here are the single draw rates. The ISO rewards are half as much as before, 3s are close-ish to last year, 4s are cut in half, and 2s are up a decent chunk. Basically, I'm sad.

    This year
    Devil 3.0
    10k ISO 0.2
    2,900 HP 0.2
    3.5k ISO 0.6
    600 HP 0.6
    All 4s 0.1 (~1.6% total)
    All 3s 0.5 (~20% total)
    All 2s 5.7 (~74.1% total)

    Here is last year
    Devil 9.9
    20k ISO 0.2
    2900 HP 0.2
    7k ISO 0.5
    600 HP 0.5
    All 4s 1.8 (~3.6% total)
    All 3s 1.1 (~23.1% total)
    All 2s 10.6 (~63.6% total)

    Note that "all 4s" doesn't include Devil Dinosaur, and all these numbers are rounded off so they might vary slightly, but not enough to change the point that this year's anniversary tokens are majorly disappointing.
  • I completely agree with this poster. This event is nothing short of a huge waste of time and energy. Galactus is completely out of whack with his countdowns, and you rarely win against him even with boosted AP added. He creates 2 (2) countdown every turn, and then absorbs huge amounts of AP. This is impossible to keep up with, and when he absorbs AP it can cause a huge cascade. This leads to your team being WIPED before the 3rd or 4th round.

    This on top of not having great results when opening Anniversary token packs. I myself have opened at least 10 Anniversary token packs and gotten all 2 star characters except 1 gold, which I couldn't use. Nothing says we appreciate you as a customer and a player, by handing you **** gifts. Hope you come back, spend more money and time with us, thanks for coming suckers.
  • One word to Dev's and game overall.......


  • alphabeta
    alphabeta Posts: 469 Mover and Shaker
    To paraphrase

    Pull it pull it pull it now
  • Utterly broken from top to bottom. If you want to keep players around for another anniversary you better fix this soon and extend the event longer. Being locked out for 6 hours gives me time to play other games that I may be more inclined to spend my money on...
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,580 Chairperson of the Boards
    2) His key power is bugged, generating countdowns that are one turn shorter than they ought to be.

    They fixed this one, they altered the wording on the power to say 2 turn countdowns instead. icon_rolleyes.gif