Black Vortex fights not counting

John Wayne74
John Wayne74 Posts: 71 Match Maker
One more bug to report is fights you pick in black vortex are sometimes not counting. You win and no points are received, and the queue is still the same person you attacked as if you never attacked them. You do however gain the ability to use more health packs. At least that's something lol. Just wanted to warn everyone. This has happend to me twice that I noticed for certain and I thing a couple of times that I didn't quite register what just happened.


  • brisashi
    brisashi Posts: 418 Mover and Shaker
    Having the same issue.

    Frustrating that during the only double iso week matches are awarding nothing.
  • CyberVenom2001
    CyberVenom2001 Posts: 203 Tile Toppler
    Same here. Super frustrating that you stay injured AND the reward for the fight goes lower if you challenge them again, just to gain nothing
  • I'm having this issue too, and now had a node disappear. In Black Vortex I now have the node at top, and bottom left, but bottom right has vanished. Force closing didn't fix it.