Facebook Sharing Issues

I recently got a friend to play MPQ with the promise of i'd be helping her with the occasional cover/iso boost from the facebook sharing system, however, since we've both been playing, i've had maybe 10 or so different shares that have not gotten through.

I've had a decent look around the internet and supposedly once you press the claim and share button, it should bring up another dialog where I choose who to share the reward with?

I don't get anything like that, it just claims whatever the reward is for me and evidently doesn't share to my friend.

Can anyone shed some light on this for me? maybe provide steps/a screenshot of your exact facebook app settings for MPQ?

We've tried multiple mixes of public/friends/and custom lists, but none seem to work.

Thank you!


  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    To share with friends, I think you need to be logged into facebook. It will offer to let you share rewards with your friends who also play MPQ.