placement season XIX and ai tu's

is it just me or does anybody else experience this: first time i saw im at #223 but the last time i checked my placement changed to #144. i know this is not bothering me(same reward placement) just want some explanation.

i found that IM40, kingpin, BP rotp(or some others) tu's used by ai are annoying as hell, their damage inappropriate, extreme annoying againts high level node pve/pvp. just fyi, IM40=5000, kingpin=1000 per CD tile, rotp BP=1900

most i saw tu's with low damage, i rarely used tu or even have one.


  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    Did you notice that this morning? Because I can't see the season XIX results panel anymore. Maybe you're looking at the Real Steel results?

    The team ups the AI gets do vary widely. When KP's finger of doom first started showing up, a lot of people complained that it was too strong and came out too early. You just have to be aware of what the other team is bringing, and if it's something dangerous you have to try to deny TU matches to the enemy team. That has the side effect of letting you use your own TU's.

    Joining an alliance can help you get team ups. You can request them once an hour I think, and now that they don't prevent your teammates from using those characters, they're easy to replace. I try to save the really strong ones for high value matches, but I use team ups all the time.
  • Etheus
    Etheus Posts: 56
    is it just me or does anybody else experience this: first time i saw im at #223 but the last time i checked my placement changed to #144. i know this is not bothering me(same reward placement) just want some explanation.

    I've reported it several times and have been told it is server lag. My alliancemate has reported it twice and has received compensation both times. I was denied compensation by the same support person that had awarded compensation to my Alliancemate. So try reporting it and maybe you'll get lucky.