CO Avengers is looking for players!

Coik Posts: 19
edited May 2016 in MPQ Alliances
CO Avengers is looking for new members!

We're a casual alliance looking for members to join us for Galactus, the anniversary and beyond. We started as a small group of friends who all played MPQ in Colorado (hence the name), but are looking to expand. We have members active in both PvE and PvP, and have no score or placement requirements. All we ask is that you play regularly.

Search for us under the Private Alliances option and send a request; one of our commanders will approve you as soon as possible. Feel free to post in this thread or PM me with any questions you may have.


  • Hello are all your players active? I'm in an alliance now and play PVP regularly. Score 800 when a maxed character is boosted. I always score 500 plus casually. My alliance has 20 players and only like 5 are active. I'm looking fir an all active alliance
  • Coik
    Coik Posts: 19
    We currently have 10 people on roster, of whom 7 play regularly. Our three inactives have all only been gone about a month per the in-game UI, and we're hoping that the anniversary event will bring them back.

    Are you looking for a primarily PvP focused alliance? As I mentioned, we do have a few players who prefer PvP, but we're generally not super-high on placement. If you're still interested, we'd love to have you, but I do want you to have an accurate idea of what we're like before you commit.
  • No, I'm focusing on PVP it doesn't really bother me if alliance members prefer PvE. But it does bother me when they are not active at all.
  • Coik
    Coik Posts: 19
    Completely understandable; there's the camaraderie of working together in game, not to mention that those rewards for active players add up. icon_e_smile.gif

    As I said, we do have a few inactive players, but it's a far smaller proportion than your old alliance (3 of 12, now). If you'd like to see if we're a good fit, feel free to send a request in game; I (or one of the other commanders) will get you on the roster as soon as we see the request.
  • Coik
    Coik Posts: 19
    Just a quick update that, as of this morning, we're up to 15 members. So there's still a few spots left for Galactus and beyond!
  • Krongle
    Krongle Posts: 73 Match Maker
    Just posting to say that I joined. It looks like a good alliance, so I'll be happy to contribute!
  • Hey there's! Just put in a request for your alliance. I've been looking for a fun and active group to take on Galactus and beyond with. I think me and my roster would make a good fit for you!
  • Coik
    Coik Posts: 19
    And we're full!

    Thanks to everyone who responded and joined up!
  • Coik
    Coik Posts: 19
    Hey everyone!

    With the Civil War looming, we're looking for a member to join up. Right now we're planning on helping Team Cap, as the majority of our members have more developed characters on his side. We only have one spot at the moment, unfortunately, so it's first come, first served!

    While the event is a primary impetus to recruit for this spot, we're also looking for someone to play with us long term, hence bumping this thread instead of just posting in the Civil War recruitment thread.

    Check the OP for instructions on how to find us.

  • bhberson
    bhberson Posts: 1
    Looking to join! A fellow CO player from Boulder, haven't skipped a day since I started playing. My Username is the same as in game!