Dr Strange

OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
edited October 2015 in Speculation and Concepts


Steven uses the power of meditation to improve his teams circumstances. Create 1 defense tile strength 200 and destroy one enemy special tile

Max: Create 5 protect tiles strength 450 and destroy all enemy special tiles

Dimensional Warp

Steven uses his mystical powers to create a tear in his dimension and send either an enemy or a teammate through. If teammate is selected his is moved to front and 25% of all damage taken is reflected back on attacker. If enemy is selected he is stunned for 2 turns and takes 1200 damage

Max: Ally selected - 80% of damage taken is reflected onto attacker. Enemy selected team stun for 2 turns and 2000 damage on selected target.

NOTE: Cannot select himself

Passive: Mystic Power

Stevens mystic power knows no limits - 33% of enemy AP collection is given to Steven

Max: 66% of enemy AP collection is given to Steven.

There aren't really any real support characters for the 5* class (largely because it's almost new) so let me suggest the first. I'm shocked Dr Strange hasn't been done already but he fits the bill for 5* support in my opinion.


  • gumsoul
    As a die hard, true believer of the true Sorcerer Supreme, i joined the forum after almost 600 days of playing MPQ just to comment on how much I like this concept of Dr. Strange! I agree that he SHOULD be a 5* character, but being that i would really want to play with him on my team within the next 600 days, i kinda hope he is a 3* or 4*. That said, i had a very different build in mind for the Dr. Not saying mine is better or more appropriate for the game, just wanted to throw it out there, and this seems like a fitting place to do so.

    Bolts of Balthaak - Cost: 6 red AP
    The Sorcerer Supreme unleashes a devastating chain of mystic energy against the enemy. Each bolt destroys (1) random red tile, collecting AP, and dealing (500) damage, then replaces it by transforming a random tile into (1) red ATK tile.
    Lvl 2- deals 700 dmg, lvl 3- destroys 2 red tiles, lvl 4- deals 1,100 dmg, lvl 5- transforms 2 tiles into red ATK tiles.

    Ethereal Specter - Cost 6 AP of every color (passive blue)
    While his teammates fight on the frontlines, Strange attacks the enemy on the Ethereal plane. Once the team collects 6 AP of every color Strange enters an ethereal form (does not consume AP), he places a 4-turn blue countdown tile on the board, that steals (1) (blue) AP at the beginning of each turn. When the tile is destroyed, Strange returns to the physical realm and stuns the enemy for 1 turn. Note, Strange cannot be used or attacked while Ethereal.
    Lvl 2- steals 1 yellow, lvl 3- steals 1 red, lvl 4- steals 1 of every color, level 5- steals 2 of every color

    Eye of Agamotto: Cost- 12 yellow AP
    Strange uses the Eye of Agamotto to see the truth of the fight. Destroys all friendly and enemy ATK tiles, dealing an extra 123 damage for each tile to the enemy team.
    Lvl 2- destroys all protect tiles, deals 134 damage per tile, lvl 3- destroys all damage tiles, deals 156 damage per tile, lvl 4- destroys all countdown tiles, deals 178 damage per tile, lvl 5- destroys all special tiles, deals 199 damage per tile