PVE rewards

OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
I'm not sure if this belongs in suggestions and feedback or here or even in general but it's a topic that keeps coming up.

I think there should be 2x legendary tokens available in 7 day events? Why? for the same time span of shorter events (2 x 3 day) you get? 2 x Legendary tokens. All this will do is eventually drive people to avoid any 7 day event, especially if you are a 3-4* transitioner (myself I'm 2-3*).

I'm sure that you don't want people avoiding any of your events but the people on other forums who are in this transistion (3-4*) are already stating that they will skip events like this due to not feeling like it's worth it. Myself I play every event anyway just because I'm patient but I can definitely see where the posters are coming from as it doesn't seem fair to get less rewards for more effort.

Any mods to comment?

Mod Edit: Moved to Suggestions


  • Seven days is very exhausting and a waste of time. I started two days after this event and will stop when picking up my legendary token. Pve only serves to catch token 4 * and gold. I did not start later because I needed iso to maximize a character. PVE spend a lot of time and has not stopped playing it it because I'm on vacation.
  • Ding
    Ding Posts: 179
    Personally I'll play this event. I tend to skip the heroics (hate being forced to use specific chars and the choices are usually terrible) and SIM (not sure why I don't like it, but I usually skip it).
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,580 Chairperson of the Boards
    I could understand them not wanting to give out too many legendary tokens per event so maybe another option would be to set that token at a 4-5 days level of points and beyond that they offer additional 3* covers as more progression rewards, that way those in the 4* game get what they need in a reasonable amount of time and then everyone in the 2* and 3* game can either slow down or stop at that point or push on for more rewards that would be useful for them.