Leech, the Power Nullifying Mutant

Deegamah Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
edited October 2015 in Speculation and Concepts

Leech star.pngstar.pngstar.png
3 Star Rarity (Rare)
At Max Level: HP: 4600 Tile damage: 61/11/13/70/79/12/4.0x
    greenflag.png - Passive
    If your team has at least 10 green AP, at the start of your turn, deplete 1 AP at random from the enemy team.
      Level 2: Depletes 2 AP at random. Level 3: Drains 1 random AP instead. Level 4: Closer proximity increases the effect. When Leech is in front, drains 2 AP if you have 8 green AP. Level 5: When Leech is in front, drains 3 AP if you have 8 green AP.

      purpleflag.png - 10 purpletile.png AP
      Turn a selected purple tile into a 2-turn countdown tile. While this tile is active, the enemy team's passive powers are unable to activate.
        Level 2: Costs 1 AP less. Level 3: Costs 1 AP less. Level 4: Places a 3-turn countdown tile. Level 5: Places a 4-turn countdown tile.

        yellowflag.png - 6 yellowtile.png AP
        Destroy a random Attack tile.
          Level 2: Can also destroy Strike tiles. Level 3: Can also destroy Protect tiles. Level 4: Can destroy any special tile. Cannot destroy Leech's
        purpleflag.png countdown tile.
        Level 5: Only destroys enemy tiles.

        I wanted to design a character to counter the multiple "passive" abilities for top-tier characters (Prof. X, Jean Grey, Iron Fist, etc.) This is what gave me the idea for Leech's purple power, before I even know what character I was going to use. Based on this power and the idea of "nullifying" the passives, I decided on using Leech. Leech's green power is an attempt at making a power to "nullify" active abilities as well. His yellow ability is based on cancelling out already generated tiles.

        For his blue power, I toyed with the idea of a greater risk/reward from having Leech tank colors, so while he is able to steal a significant amount of AP for cheaper if he is in front, he is also exposed to match damage and abilities, and with his extremely low health, he would not survive long against any strike or attack tile generator. On the other hand, the fact that he steals more AP when in front makes it harder to take him down on defense. Hopefully, this extremely low health (Lowest of any maxed 3*, lower than half of the 2* roster) helps balance out his obviously powerful abilities.


        • GundamY
          GundamY Posts: 182
          Deegamah wrote:

          Leech star.pngstar.pngstar.png
          3 Star Rarity (Rare)
          At Max Level: HP: 4600 Tile damage: 61/11/13/70/79/12/4.0x
            greenflag.png - Passive
            If your team has at least 10 green AP, at the start of your turn, deplete 1 AP at random from the enemy team.
              Level 2: Depletes 2 AP at random. Level 3: Drains 1 random AP instead. Level 4: Closer proximity increases the effect. When Leech is in front, drains 2 AP if you have 8 green AP. Level 5: When Leech is in front, drains 3 AP if you have 8 green AP.

              purpleflag.png - 10 purpletile.png AP
              Turn a selected purple tile into a 2-turn countdown tile. While this tile is active, the enemy team's passive powers are unable to activate.
                Level 2: Costs 1 AP less. Level 3: Costs 1 AP less. Level 4: Places a 3-turn countdown tile. Level 5: Places a 4-turn countdown tile.

                yellowflag.png - 6 yellowtile.png AP
                Destroy a random Attack tile.
                  Level 2: Can also destroy Strike tiles. Level 3: Can also destroy Protect tiles. Level 4: Can destroy any special tile. Cannot destroy Leech's
                purpleflag.png countdown tile.
                Level 5: Only destroys enemy tiles.

                sweet idea, dude! want me to come up with the names for you? naming abilities is usually my speciality in this forum, so here's how i think each ability should be named:

                greenflag.pngPower Negation: Leech disables his foes by suppressing their abilities.

                purpleflag.pngDampening Field: By consciously focus on his targets, Leech can neutralize enemy forces while allowing his allies to keep their powers.

                yellowflag.pngIncapacitation: No one has the stamina to keep on the offensive against Leech.
              • BlackSheep101
                BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
                I've been waiting for a character that debuffs strike/attack/protect tiles (like an anti-Falcon). Leech seems like a good fit for that kind of ability.
              • ErikPeter
                ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
                So you get 8 green and then steal 2 or 3 of the enemy's a AP every turn and there's nothing they can do about it?

                Think about how broken that is. Outside of 4-matches and cascades they cannot gain AP if he's in front.

                At least make him spend some of the green AP so it's not permanent.

                None of these powers are very fun on offense or defense. Purple is pretty solid and seems fair, but yellow should only affect enemy tiles from the start. It's fine, especially at that cost, but too punishing that he can't be paired with special tile users. 6 AP to destroy a countdown is great, 6 AP for a 50% chance to be good is not. As is, rank 5 is a must, and ranks 1-3 aren't so hot. Even though powers that get cheaper with ranks have gone out of style, I think this is a good candidate for that. Make it usable on Attack/Strike/Protect at rank 1, destroy countdowns/any at rank 4, and cheaper (ending up at 6) at ranks 2,3,5.

                So mostly it's just the green passive that is game-crunching. Imagine a simulator fight with him and a green-producing goon. After a couple turns, you no longer gain AP for powers until you take him down, with match damage. You'd have to count on the lucky 4-matches, or 1 AP/turn if you target his ally. Awful.