Progress totally reset

I tried to update to the latest patch, but it was having issues updating. So I did what I would normally do in these circumstances with any other game, uninstall, reinstall and then have it reload my progress via my Google Play account.

So that's exactly what I did. I uninstalled, reinstalled and now I'm at the start of the tutorial, no way to skip, pause, get into the settings, no idea if it's logged in (I hope not otherwise everything definitely is gone) and I have no intention of going through that tutorial again, once is enough torture for any lifetime.

Please figure out what is causing this. This is exposing several huge flaws with the account setup of the game. Losing connection with an account shouldn't be forcing the user to go through the tutorial all over again (there really needs to be some sort of skip option and at the very least we should be able to access the game settings from the menu immediately, not after playing a dozen missions as a reward). I've had a look around and while I can't find any complaints relating to this game.

I've seen similar complaints regarding other games produced by your company and I'm wondering if this is some sort of flaw in your game engine. If it's intentional then that's not really putting your company in a very good light because this could very well be putting people out of pocket because of an oversight on your part. Simply there is nothing to do but advise people to avoid spending money on your game until we can all be reassured we aren't going to lose everything thanks to a design flaw.


  • I would like a response to this as well. Same issue with me. I had to get a new phone and I have lost all of my progress. Very disappointing. Google play is required, but does not save progress? Why?