Multiple device issue


Since yesterday I experience an issue with multiple device connection.
PVE: When I play with one device some nodes and I go on another device it's as if I haven't done any node. The sub-event is not opened and I have to do it all again. Besides, the points in the sub and in the main are good (as if I have done the nodes). Switching multiple times between my devices fixed this issue.

Healthpack: Concerning the healthpack, it's as if each device have 10 healthpacks. I used all of them in a device, and when connecting on the other 1 minute later I have 10 healthpack.

PVP: PVP is quite the most annoying issue:
1) on the first device I did 950 points and had all rewards
2) I went on the other device to continue and reach 1000 points and had my 4* cover
3) when I logged in again it's like I never had my 4* cover, even in the pvp reward page, it's wrong (see the capture below). More than 1000 points and no delivering of the 4* cover.


Is someone experiencing the same issue?


  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is just a shot in the dark:

    Is there any chance one device is on the new game version (R85, with the Galactus title screen) and the other is still on the previous version?

    R85 came out ahead of schedule for iOS devices yesterday.

    It might be unrelated, but it's worth checking, IMO.
  • No same old version for both. I play on Android devices.
  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    Some wuggestions to avoid these issues:
    - Always check your ranking toplist placement so the game gets updated to servers.
    - Exit game completely (close app) when starting your session on another phone