What team would you use to beat this team?

PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
edited October 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
I haven't played much of the simulator, and after a few matches I stumbled across a 75 point team consisting of the following:
166 Iron Fist
166 Falcon
166 Blade

Those are three of my favorite characters in the game, and I thought it might be interesting to hear other approaches to handling it with a minimum of pain.
Assuming you could only use 3 star characters (assume any *** is well covered and maxed/near maxed), what *** team would you bring to bear against such a team? Would you bother with boosts/team-ups?

Feel free to post your own matchups for suggested counter-teams.


  • Wouldn't be pretty, but I took on this team in SIM (probably a different player) and used my 166 Hulk, 166 DP, and 166 BP. Hulk is the meat shield that tanks red and black for A Little of the Top and Rage of the Panther. If a purple heavy board just happens to be around, then regular whales, whales, whales to go with rage of the panther.

    IF makes black tiles and they probably won't all be matched by the AI, helping me out a bit.

    Too bad it's *** only because DXF would help out a lot.
  • stowaway
    stowaway Posts: 501 Critical Contributor
    My favorite three-star sim teams are:

    For speed, Cyclops, Iron Fist, Daken
    For consistency, CMags, Kamala, Luke Cage
    For the grim pleasure of knowing I'm annoying my foe, She Hulk, Deadpool, Hood

    Any of those teams would work fine against the one you propose. They have a lot of bonus damage, so the bonus protect tile and heal of Team Consistency is your best bet. But it's always worth fighting annoying with annoying!
  • vaportrail
    vaportrail Posts: 64 Match Maker
    Patch/Loki/whoever it doesn't really matter with those 2 (probably someone with good yellow or Blue like Cage/Lthor/R&G).
  • MattR42
    MattR42 Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    Consider using Doc Ock. That team will have a lot of special tiles out, which means lots of opportunities to use his blue and black. Bring along Cage to mitigate the damage from Iron Fist's attack tile and round out the team with Deadpool.

    Failing that, the aforementioned Patch/Loki team works, especially if you throw in Hulk for good measure. Or use Hulk to feed green to Thor.
  • Well, the order I would attack would be:

    Iron Fist

    Because once you kill Blade, there's no new attack tiles showing up, and the black Iron Fist generates won't do much except power the green, which needs 12 to go off.

    Now, while you're killing Blade, you're going to want to focus on red matches, to keep The Thirst from triggering, so you'd want a red guy. Cyclops would be my go to red user. Another direction you could go would be Sentry if you have his Supernova at 5. Would clear out a lot of riff raff for strike tiles you can't get to. I think they'd be on separate teams though.

    On both teams, you'd also want somebody to mitigate the constant attack tile of Iron Fist. Luke Cage is the reflex choice, but he doesn't work well with Cyclops as they both need Yellow & Black. But, he'd be a fine friend to Sentry.

    Pairing off with Cyclops, you could bring in a team of Spider Man & Scarlet Witch. Spidey Sense could mitigate the damage, and then Reality Crush could be a time buyer.

    Pairing with Sentry, there's the obvious Hood choice and then Luke Cage to protect them.

    So, my suggestion would be:

    Cyclops 5/3/5
    Scarlet Witch 5/3/5
    Spider Man 3/5/5


    Sentry 5/3/5
    Luke Cage 3/5/5
    Hood 3/5/5
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Scarlet-Fist-Cyclops, Patch-Loki-doesn't matter, Scarlet-Kamala-Thor. Any would work reasonably well.
  • OnyxSnake
    OnyxSnake Posts: 78 Match Maker
    I'd try Doc Oc for the special tiles,
    Daredevil for the same reason as well as stun and for ambush while u clear up the red tiles and Scarlet Witch to stun/aoe or feed Daredevil if needed.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Against falcon it's best to avoid expensive, powerful special tiles. And against daken and blade, it's a good idea to bring someone who can deal with special tiles. Finally, since you will probably want to deny yellow, it's not a bad idea to bring someone who can use all the yellow you will collect.

    So something like Cage/Hood/Doc Oc, or Lazy Thor/Hood/Doc OC would probably work fairly well.

    And it's hardly an unusual combo, but Cage/IF would also be a decent place to start. They replenish their special tiles, so redwing is less dangerous. And accelerating Cage's black should let you take out the most dangerous opponents fairly quickly. IF/Cyclops is also a powerful combo for similar reasons.

    And a 4th idea: Switch + KK. generate tons of purple and chain into green aoe nukes. Maybe add in Cage for some quick-cast blacks to generate kk heals?
  • tiomono
    tiomono Posts: 1,654 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would use my go to for any team in simulator. I dont yet have good 4 stars. I use 5-3-5 Kamala. Psylocke and hood. That team will poo on any 3 star team. I have even taken out fistbuster.

    You just prioritize black to get psy goin fast and 900 heals every 2 black matches is easy peasy. I rarely wipe and i get a fair amount of defensive wins.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    ShazamFTW wrote:
    Well, the order I would attack would be:

    Iron Fist

    Because once you kill Blade, there's no new attack tiles showing up, and the black Iron Fist generates won't do much except power the green, which needs 12 to go off.

    Now, while you're killing Blade, you're going to want to focus on red matches, to keep The Thirst from triggering, so you'd want a red guy.

    I'd go after Fist first and include She-Hulk on my team. Snapping up all the red will fuel her AOE, and you can steal Fist's attack tile just before you down him.
  • Omega Red
    Omega Red Posts: 366 Mover and Shaker
    My "safe bet" team would be Kamala, Iron fist and Cyclops. Deny purple and red, down Blade then Iron fist, then Falcon.

    A more fun but somewhat risky combination would be Scarlet witch, Magneto and Loki.

    Or Captain Marvel, Thor and Kamala.

    But if you really want to have fun go for Hulk, Thor and Kamala. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanks for the responses everyone!

    Just in case anyone is curous, I just tackled the node and I won, but it was a close call. I decided to go in with one of the recommendations (all of whom happen to be among my favorites):
    Luke Cage, Kamala Khan, Classic Magneto.

    The match was a rough one, but I managed to pull through with a downed Kamala, a Luke at 28 HP, and Magneto at 1200 HP.
    Doing it again I think I would have targeted Falcon first - Iron Fist's attack tile got lodged in a corner, and by the end of the match it was doing over 900 damage to me from Mr. Falcon's inspiring flybys. I (probably unwisely) spent yellow on Coercive Field trying to stem the hurt that attack tile was putting on me. As you can probably predict, another enemy cascade took out all of my friendly protect tiles except one - you guessed it, a 35 strength Magneto tile lodged in another corner, so my 268 Luke tile didn't show back up. The fourth turn 13 black AP cascade for the enemy didn't help matters. Luckily, Mr. Fist declined to punch or kick, and I managed to match away the Nightstalker tiles before too much damage was done. I did receive the full 75 points though!