Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters (* transition idea)

So, the devs agree that most characters aren't useful when they have only a few covers. This makes the transitions to the next level 2*, 3*, or 4* frustrating. This problem is exacerbated by so many new characters.

So, here's a simple idea. Let's make a new module called the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters.

In this module, which will be like the prelude, you'll have a 'required' node for each 2*, 3*, and 4* character in the game. This node will be a 6 wave difficult, possibly solo, mission which 'trains' you on using the new abilities of your character. The reward for each wave will be a new cover for that character. Ideally, the opponents will 'require' the use of a skill on that character (in a puzzle-like fashion).

So, for example, you get your shiny new Daredevil cover. You go into the special node. Wave 1 you face something fairly easy and get a Blue cover reward. Wave 2 you're facing a (relatively) high level Juggernaut. The only way to beat him is to make use of that new stun. You get a red cover. Wave 3 he's even tougher, gotta use stun and ambush, and get a purple cover. Wave 4 is a low level Luke Cage with a 5-red string protect tile. This requires the use of purple to kill the tile so you can kill him, etc.

People will get a chance to move their 1-3 cover character to a 7-9 character hero using their wits. The higher level waves will be hard enough to require that ISO has been put into the character covers obtained at the lower level waves. Covers past the 'free 6' will still need to be earned the old fashioned way, so it shouldn't break the game at all. Plus, this should be fairly easy to implement as it uses existing game features.

Finally, as there are now LOTs of characters, it's be cool to group these into teams. So one map is XMen, one is Fantastic 4, one is Avengers, etc.

Mod Note: Moved to Suggestions


  • That's not a bad idea, it would also mean beginners wouldn't be quite as cannon fodder as they have been up until now too.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    This, is actually one of the better ideas i have seen... Nodes tailored to training you on how to use your characters.. Amazing way to learn the game and the characters as you get them.

    For it to work properly though, you would need at least a 1/1/1 to try all the skills.. BUT, if you have all the requireds, but not one of each color, you could get a loaner at 2/2/2 or something. Will help you decide builds and whatnot.

    As for the rewards.. .i think too many covers too fast will flood things. Someone using training nodes is most likely in the middle of a 2* transition, or beginning of a 3*, and you don't want to flood them with things they don't have iso to level, or have them accidentally level beyond their 2*s messing with mmr and scaling before they are ready.

    We do need to come up with a decent reward though.. something helpful, but not roster/bank breaking.

    Side note.. please for the love of bob, no high level Jugs...
  • It's in theme, it addresses the gap between elder players and newbies. This is a solid idea.