Imaginaut: bad ability or worst ability?

Buret0 Posts: 1,591
So, after playing with a level 260 3/5/5 Mr. Fantastic (that's the way the covers fell), I have come to learn that Imaginaut is the worst use of AP since they changed hexbolt. Maybe a 1 cover Silver Surfer Singularity. But in 4* land, only a single use Double-Double cross is worse.

Even boosted to level 335, Imaginaut only does 997 damage when you match yellow, red, or green. Unboosted it does 806. It does not even stack damage... a second Imaginaut will not increase the damage yield. If you match any other color, the CD will slip closer to 0, bringing about a quick end to any damage increases.

1) Imaginaut costs 9 blacktile.png AP.

In order to equal the damage per AP of any of the other recent 4* release characters you pretty much need to be hitting at about 800 damage per AP. With this ability, you would need to make 9 matches of three specific colors before your tile gets destroyed in order to accomplish that. This can be sped up with the use of strike tiles.

2) Imaginaut doesn't play well with MRF's friends

As stated, Imaginaut really needs strike tiles to get in required damage before the CD tile goes away. None of the F4 make strike tiles. Lots of them make protect tiles (MRF, Thing, IW) and Torch makes attack tiles, but none of those helps out. Then, if you do manage to find someone who makes strike tiles to pair him with, most of them are going to make strike tiles on red, yellow, or green tiles, thus forcing you to match away your own tiles in order to trigger Imaginaut.

One of the things that MRF does is heal and produce green AP when your opponent matches one of his team's tiles. He only produces green AP if you bring in the F4 with him. Generally this is going to be Thing if you are playing a 4* MRF. Thing's green can do a lot of damage, but it also blows up his own tiles, along with the Imaginaut tile. You want the Imaginaut tile out when collecting the green required to activate Yancy, but Yancy is very likely going to blow it right up.

3) Conclusion and recommendations

Even boosted and with five covers, I find that Imaginaut will usually get in about 1-5 matches of the right color before the board loses it.

Here are a few things that can be done to fix this terrible ability:

a) Allow it to be placed on the board

Random placement of this tile leads to bad things. Allow us to Cap Shield it and put it somewhere safe. The goal of the CD was to force us to match three specific colors in order to keep the CD alive... it shouldn't be so easily destroyed.

b) Have the CD deal damage if it is destroyed or matched by the enemy

I mean, the animation makes it look kind of like a bomb. Why not make it trigger if the enemy matches it. It fits with MRF's yellow. If you don't want to increase the match damage bonus, then make it deal 5,800 damage if the enemy matches it (at 270 and 5 covers). The CD tile may still be blown up or self-matched by the stupid AI on D, but at least it gives a chance of harm.

c) Increase the damage dealt

As stated, it currently takes about 9 matches of three specific colors to yield the damage per AP of other abilities. Those abilities do not require matching specific colors, they just deal a mountain of damage per AP. As it stands, for 9 blacktile.png AP, I've never dealt more than 5,000 damage. Many times I'm dealing much less. At 5 covers and level 270 Imaginaut should be doing 1900 damage per match. It is still forcing you to match three specific colors to do that damage and there is still no guarantee that you won't lose your tile. As I stated before, even when I'm specifically trying to match those three colors when Imaginaut is active, I usually don't get more than 3 or 5 matches of those colors before losing the tile.

Consider Hulkbuster. For 9 redtile.png AP he is doing 630 damage per AP without having to do anything else. Currently, MRF would need to make 7 matches to deal that kind of damage without losing his CD tile. If you are going to add the limitation of making the team match three specific colors and have the risk of losing the CD tile, the damage per match needs to go way up.

d) Stack damage

If you have multiple Imaginaut tiles active at the same time, they should stack damage. Otherwise there is no reason to have a second CD tile in play at the same time and the ability to use that ability should be disabled while there is another CD tile active.

e) Steal AP or some other trick

Imaginaut can be salvaged if it had another effect. Like it heals the team, or it drains AP, it steals AP, or it neutralizes enemy tiles at the start of your turn so long as it is still active. SOMETHING to make it worth your while to keep this damn tile alive.

f) lower the AP cost

The other alternative is to just make this a 6 blacktile.png AP ability and do nothing else to change it. At least you would be able to use it early in the match, which would help you take down other support characters while collecting the AP that you wanted. At 9 blacktile.png AP I feel cheated any time it gets destroyed too quickly by some random chance. At 6 blacktile.png AP I would be able to replace this tile much more easily and the damage per AP would actually be very close to where it should be.

Anyway, feel free to comment on this poor ability design. Maybe D3 will recognize that without a damage ability, MRF is going to be a rarely used support character. And no one will ever bother to put covers in Imaginaut, because even at its absolute best, you would need some crazy cascades (and hope that those cascades didn't destroy your CD tile) to come close to ever being worth the 9 blacktile.png AP.
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  • Marc_Spector
    Marc_Spector Posts: 628 Critical Contributor
    Fantastic post; thanks Buret0. I agree 100% with all above and have nothing further to add. For having no direct damage of his own, some additional damage effect on Imaginaut would be welcome (I like the idea of damage upon enemy matching it away) (and I think chosen-placement is must for a countdown so short-lived and AP-inefficient.)
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    I really love the poll choices icon_lol.gif

    Loaded poll design aside, it's a no-brainer to vote "bad". It's atrocious and you've described its shortcomings well.

    But "worst"? Hoo-boy this game has seen some stinkers. Definitively declaring any of them "worst" across the board is going too far. My 'worst' may merely be your 'bad', and your 'worst' my 'meh'!

    It is the classic Colbert loaded question that he used to give when his show started. Some liberal/democrat would appear on the show and he would ask, "George W. Bush: great president, or greatest president?"
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    So far 100% of voters believe that Imaginaut is a bad ability or the worst ability.

    Devs: the community has for the first time reached a consensus. Something must be done quickly.
  • I have a 5/3/5 mr fantastic and I can agree that in most situations it sucks.

    BUT, if you get lucky and have a hella sweet cascade, hitting 3 matches of those colors, you end up wrecking fools. I think combining him with say, KK or GSBW, or anyone that can make matches in his color would be fantastic, though I haven't done that yet lol.

    I think the most interesting thing about him is, they gave him a 8 costing 3 turn stun, only to follow him up with a character that has a 6 costing 4 turn stun lol.
  • Buret0 wrote:
    d) Stack damage

    If you have multiple Imaginaut tiles active at the same time, they should stack damage. Otherwise there is no reason to have a second CD tile in play at the same time and the ability to use that ability should be disabled while there is another CD tile active.

    The reason to have the second one in play is to increase the chances of the enemy matching it and triggering that passive heal!

    OH yes! Now we're talking!

    I don't imagine many people were unlucky enough during Mr F's PvP to have both their support characters KO'd and have to fight a match between two loaner Mr Fs? I thought it would never end. No way to deal damage and they're both chucking out stuns followed by protect tiles and imaginauts.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Moving to Suggestion forum.

    Personally, I voted "bad", because I'd still rather have this countdown tile out than Psylocke's Beadazzled ability.
  • Just tried him with GSBW and Switch. I created a bunch of 3 green matches with imaginaut out, and it hit for what was expected, 3kish. Granted that's 20 mana to do (easier with switch) ... 9 black AP, into 3kish 3matches, into a 3k AOE... I have seen worse.

    What I don't know is(and I could easily test this), is if I made 2 5 match criticals without Imaginaut out, versus 3 or 4 3 match with imaginaut out, which would do more damage. But, Imaginaut WITHOUT a KK or GSWB, or even cyclops, is horrrribblleee.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    DayvBang wrote:
    Moving to Suggestion forum.

    Where suggestions go to die?
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Buret0 wrote:
    DayvBang wrote:
    Moving to Suggestion forum.

    Where suggestions go to die?
    ... and it keeps getting funnier every time.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    Well, you have to admit that the number of views and votes went down drastically since being moved.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    DayvBang wrote:
    Buret0 wrote:
    DayvBang wrote:
    Moving to Suggestion forum.

    Where suggestions go to die?
    ... and it keeps getting funnier every time.