MoonBiscuit’s Adventures in Scaling: Results!

wiz_biz Posts: 166 Tile Toppler
edited October 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
AKA How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Surfer

Since the release of Silver Surfer, I’ve been seeing a lot of conflicting accounts about how rostering him may or may not affect your PVE scaling or PVP MMR. Never one to shy away from a spreadsheet-related challenge, I took the opportunity to see what the hubbub was all about. Grab the popcorn folks, I'm a little verbose.

67 days ago, a MoonBiscuit was born unto MPQ. She stealthily cut her teeth on the prologue in seclusion, and eventually mentions to little sis that, lo and behold, she’s got an account up and running! I was commanding casuals back then, but we decided to move to a group that would help accelerate her growth. We managed to land a really wonderful T100 PVE alliance that has facilitated her progression through all the extra treasure as well as instruction from some great advisers. She has built a very solid 2* roster and even has a couple of serviceable 3*s. Currently her core roster consists of 13 characters ranging from level 70-73.

Then the legendaries were introduced. She won the inaugural token from the Hulk PVE, and it turned out to be a surfer. At that point, there was a disparity of about 190 levels between surfer and her core roster. Two others in our alliance pulled surfers around the same time and had some major complaints after rostering him, which really got me wondering if the tales of scaling terror were legit. MoonBiscuit is also one who will rarely shy away from a challenge, so we came up with a quick test plan with the hope of shedding some light in the form of hard data on this highly anecdotal topic.

The PVE Test:
The plan was to begin tracking her enemy levels over the course of the Meet Rocket and Groot PVE, while SS was sitting idly in her “trophy hole”, as she’s taken to calling it. We would get a baseline on initial enemy levels and general fluctuation after subsequent clears and once the event ended, but before she joined the Venom Heroic event, she would roster SS. She would play the Venom Heroic event as usual, letting SS sit the bench. Initially we had discussed letting him make his debut on the court in the following Simulator PVE, but eventually decided against it. It’s still under consideration for later, only on extremely difficult PVE nodes, but we’re playing that by ear at this point.

The Results:
Meet R&G enemy levels obviously had no big surprises, as SS was still in the trophy hole. Initial levels followed precedence, nothing too exciting there. Interestingly though, I did see major scaling upticks on subsequent clears for a lot of nodes in all the subs (going up almost 20 levels by the 3rd clear), which supports my prior general observations of her being a high PVE performer, being able to come up with the best combos she can and get out with minimal damage. Her beginning-state scaling seems to be a bit higher than others of similar roster levels.

Venom Heroic yielded somewhat similar results. The first sub was once again, business as usual, minus the fluctuation in subsequent clears. Scaling stayed very level throughout the course of the first sub. The second sub (Rescue Aunt May) had much more substantial scaling which was a big concern at first, until I played through it myself and talked to some alliance mates about their own scaling on that sub. Across the board, there were major increases for all on a couple of the nodes (particularly Masquerade); however, she was able to create major downticks for her subsequent clears. The third sub behaved much more like the first, and my take-away was that the second sub just had a general increase for everyone but was not a real point of concern.

Finally, Simulator rolled around and we also collected data there. There were some very highly scaled nodes, but again, those nodes were scaled very high for all of us. Simulator has never been a walk in the park, and she definitely struggled with beating the higher level nodes, although that is mostly attributed to a limited 2* roster that doesn’t have all the tools to consistently win matches against the likes of XFDP/Thing. She didn’t do as many subsequent clears on Simulator, but initial levels were comparable to what myself and others were seeing in relationship to roster levels and scaling history.

The PVE Conclusion:
Having been through 2 full PVEs after rostering SS (and looking at the data so far in Thick as Thieves), I can say that there’s nothing in the numbers that causes any kind of concern related to PVE scaling. Again, she has never used him in a PVE to date.

Unforeseen Consequences:
One thing we didn’t consider going into this was the impacts on MMR and PVP bracketing. Prior to rostering SS, MoonBiscuit was solidly in the baby brackets for PVP. Once she rostered, she immediately got thrown in with the big boys. She shares her leaderboards with me and I recognize names that have similar season scores to my own (I’m in vet territory), and see guys breaking the 2K barrier in PVP tournaments in her brackets. Once again, her highest leveled characters before SS are about 70, so this is definitely a big detriment in the PVP space.

Before SS, she could easily get up to 500 and retain most of those points, but now she is very lucky to finish with 300 points, and that’s with a lot of effort. She’s losing a lot of iso to the skip tax, and even then the best matchups she can find outclass her by 20+ levels. She has used SS in the PVP space only to take him out for a test drive, but he is definitely not part of her standard PVP teams.

The Final Take-Away:
While we were thrilled to confirm that there were no discernible PVE impacts when SS is rostered but not used, the PVP impacts are immediately pretty obvious. We’ve discussed if she should consider selling off her SS to bring down her MMR and make PVP more lucrative, but she is committed to keeping him. We will just continue to tweak her approach and timing for PVP to maximize her points in the meantime.

There are a lot of people out there who have posted concerns and complaints about what SS has done to their scaling and MMR. I tend to take it all with a grain of salt, particularly in PVE, since so much of scaling is more dependent on performance history and percentage of health lost. Since I’ve always watched Moonbiscuit’s performance like a hawk and was even taking note of her enemy levels long before SS making his way to her roster, I am now firmly of the belief that as long someone doesn’t use SS to tank in PVE, there should be no concern there. There may be a day when we decide to play around with that as well….but today is not that day!

I completely understand any noob’s frustration, particularly in the PVP space if they are immediately dumped into a bracket they aren’t equipped for. Is a noob/casual expected to know all the mechanics of scaling and MMR when they unwrap their shiny new toy and just want to play with it? I have a sneaking suspicion that many others who don’t have an advisory panel to tell them to keep their SS usage in check are having a much harder time of it.

But ultimately, this is why MoonBiscuit is a true champ (borrowed from comments in other discussions around the impacts of adding SS to your roster):

“Naysayers gonna naysay and I wanna yaysay. I wanna be able to tell other young noobs, you can do it, dream big, go hard, your game will catch up I swear. I'm a newer/low level player, recruited SS and don't regret it. At all. Yes, pvp just became a hell of a lot harder and I'm losing constantly but it's making me better. Much better.

There is a Michael Jordan inside of all of us that learns from every failure, embrace him!”


  • babinro
    babinro Posts: 771 Critical Contributor
    Good to know!

    Given the time frame we're talking about I think it's entirely possible she's simply been elevated out of the noob bracket. I've heard rumours that this happens after a certain number of days played and it not tied to progress or covers at all. The fact that she got her SS cover around then could simply be coincidence.

    I really doubt that deleting the character would help her situation in any way (I'd strongly advise against it as well).

    Also I'm sure she could use SS in pve if she wanted to. Scaling is heavily influenced by how munc damage is received by your team on winning matches though. So if she trounces nodes over and over with SS than her scaling will increase alongside it. As such, it's probably not a bad idea to avoid using the character too much.
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    Most people now realize that PvE scaling is a COMBINATION of your roster AND your performance in that mode. And most likely the layer weighs more significantly.

    The most helpful data would be how things rise for her AFTER she uses SS in PvE..........
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    The PVE Conclusion:
    Having been through 2 full PVEs after rostering SS (and looking at the data so far in Thick as Thieves), I can say that there’s nothing in the numbers that causes any kind of concern related to PVE scaling. Again, she has never used him in a PVE to date.

    Just want to point out one thing, SS was not playable at any point in Venom: Heroic, so that event can't be counted for the results of your test
  • Brett572
    Brett572 Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
    Everything about the PVP in this is true. I can't buy a fair fight in PVP. Everyone I get matched with is a maxed 3*.

    I have a soft capped 94 roster. I pulled a SS with a legendary Token, and I've had him rostered for 3-4 PVEs now. My current PVE is scaled out of control. Just for an example. The Final Node of "The Meeting" sub in "Thick as Thieves." Magneto and Hood are scaled up to 287. Even if I put a 1 cover SS in that fight, I can't win... And I certainly can't do it with Level 150 Storm/Wolvie/Torch.

    I've compared with alliance mates. Guys with multiple maxed 3*s are facing lower level fights than I am.

    A guy with no silver surfer and a 94 max roster is seeing level 222 fights vs my level 287.

    So either I'm a far superior player to them, and I deserve this scaling based on my ability to defeat node with taking little damage. (Which isn't the case) OR just having SS on my roster is the problem. I'm going with the latter.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    Brett572 wrote:
    Everything about the PVP in this is true. I can't buy a fair fight in PVP. Everyone I get matched with is a maxed 3*.

    I have a soft capped 94 roster. I pulled a SS with a legendary Token, and I've had him rostered for 3-4 PVEs now. My current PVE is scaled out of control. Just for an example. The Final Node of "The Meeting" sub in "Thick as Thieves." Magneto and Hood are scaled up to 287. Even if I put a 1 cover SS in that fight, I can't win... And I certainly can't do it with Level 150 Storm/Wolvie/Torch.

    I've compared with alliance mates. Guys with multiple maxed 3*s are facing lower level fights than I am.

    A guy with no silver surfer and a 94 max roster is seeing level 222 fights vs my level 287.

    So either I'm a far superior player to them, and I deserve this scaling based on my ability to defeat node with taking little damage. (Which isn't the case) OR just having SS on my roster is the problem. I'm going with the latter.

    Pve is all about your performance I previous nodes. I use a slightly lower level b team for the easier nodes, keeping my scaling in check since they take damage and defeats every Now and Then.

    Just for reference my lvl 82 2* torch, wolvie and storm took down 231 lvl magneto and hood. I won't lie and say it was Easy but it's doable. Use feral claws to quickly get rid of hood Then collect blue and wind storm magneto, it does require a bit of luck with the board but norlt much.
  • Brett572
    Brett572 Posts: 10 Just Dropped In

    Pve is all about your performance I previous nodes. I use a slightly lower level b team for the easier nodes, keeping my scaling in check since they take damage and defeats every Now and Then.

    Just for reference my lvl 82 2* torch, wolvie and storm took down 231 lvl magneto and hood. I won't lie and say it was Easy but it's doable. Use feral claws to quickly get rid of hood Then collect blue and wind storm magneto, it does require a bit of luck with the board but norlt much.

    Everyone keeps saying this, but I just don't buy it... I always take unbuffed teams into lower level nodes. I don't use my SS. (Actually... That's not true... I tried and wiped on the hood/mag node a couple times with him).

    I do understand that performance is part of the equation to scaling. But it isn't the end all be all that everyone makes it out to be. And I have to believe that having SS on my roster is why I'm seeing such high level nodes, and is a bigger part of my scaling than performance.

    If performance is such a big part of it... I've wiped a lot in the current event, and struggled through it more than I have in any previous events. This should mean that my scaling will be down on the next event, correct? I'll be honest... I'm not optimistic.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'll just leave this here, CS reply an alliance mate received this morning:

    When entering a PvE event or sub-event for the first time, the game will review your current Roster (including buffs/restrictions), and the difficulty of each mission will be based on the strength of your top three characters. Many (but not all) of the nodes in the easier missions are capped at a fairly low level, which means they appear artificially low to a high level team; somewhere between 30-50 usually. Then, when you make the jump to harder missions, it looks really stark because you are jumping up to the level you should be playing against, without the caps.

    The matchmaking system for the PvP events does its best to pair you with appropriate opponents, which is not necessarily the player you are skipping matches to find. The intended function of the skip feature is to allow players to find favorable matches or avoid unfavorable ones. Keep in mind that one of the major factors that determine which opponents you're paired with is your personal rank in the event, but will still keep an attempt to find other teams with a similar strength based on the top three characters in your Roster.

    As the Silver Surfer (Skyrider) character is level 255 when obtained with the possibility of reaching level 270 with its first Comic Cover applied, it is essentially considered to be the strength of a maxed out 4 Star character in your Roster, and the balancing for PvE events and the Matchmaking system for PvE events will take this into consideration when creating the difficulty for each mission and the matchmaking system for PvP events will take this into consideration when searching for an opponent in these events. As such, with a Silver Surfer (Skyrider) in your Roster, it will boost the difficulty you experience you encounter in PvE and PvP events due to its level compared to the rest of your roster.

    Please keep in mind that if you enter an event for the first time with a Roster, and then quickly make changes, that event is not going to re-calibrate to the new Roster.
  • WelcomeDeath
    WelcomeDeath Posts: 349 Mover and Shaker
    I think I actually hit you last pvp. Didn't really pay attention to the name, just remember ss, loaner, 2 star. Very low level for me to hit. Never thought about mmr being affected. Very interesting though
  • wiz_biz
    wiz_biz Posts: 166 Tile Toppler
    fmftint wrote:
    The PVE Conclusion:
    Having been through 2 full PVEs after rostering SS (and looking at the data so far in Thick as Thieves), I can say that there’s nothing in the numbers that causes any kind of concern related to PVE scaling. Again, she has never used him in a PVE to date.

    Just want to point out one thing, SS was not playable at any point in Venom: Heroic, so that event can't be counted for the results of your test

    oh man...power duh! good catch, i can't believe that didn't occur to me! and thank you so much for sharing that response from CS...very interesting. i'd seen another message from support that said something similar about the top 3 characters, but i also remember sometime around then seeing an iceIX test about initial enemy levels on a 270 roster that really weren't out of control, so i'm still a little confused as to exactly how big a factor that is.
    babinro wrote:
    Good to know!

    Given the time frame we're talking about I think it's entirely possible she's simply been elevated out of the noob bracket. I've heard rumours that this happens after a certain number of days played and it not tied to progress or covers at all. The fact that she got her SS cover around then could simply be coincidence.

    I really doubt that deleting the character would help her situation in any way (I'd strongly advise against it as well).

    Also I'm sure she could use SS in pve if she wanted to. Scaling is heavily influenced by how munc damage is received by your team on winning matches though. So if she trounces nodes over and over with SS than her scaling will increase alongside it. As such, it's probably not a bad idea to avoid using the character too much.

    thanks babrino - i've been trying to get a better grasp of this myself, regarding the PVP brackets, but it seems like she has been boosted up into higher level brackets than even an alliance mate with a higher level roster than hers on his alt account who just sees maxed 166s, not 270s. i'm not sure her PVP performance to date, sans the surfer being rostered, really would warrant that kind of jump...but PVP bracketing is extremely nebulous to me, so i'm not going to act like an expert by any means!

    to your latter point, he's definitely on the table to be used on difficult pve nodes, she just hasn't done it yet. we just tried to make sure she knows it needs to be on something ridiculously hard where he could still get a pretty big bite taken out of him, health-wise. but she's definitely not abusing him. i think the total of her use was in one PVP match, and she sends the TU out. so he's really earning his keep icon_e_smile.gif

    regardless, we're gonna keep at it - moonbiscuit's not getting rid of him and just continually finds a way to make it manageable, and once we start seeing some really anomalous scaling i'll be happy to share with folks. it's too bad that some of these recent events that we could leverage for data collection have some really insane scaling in the first place that's hard on everyone, surfer or no, like PVE simulator and this last sub of thick as thieves.
  • wiz_biz
    wiz_biz Posts: 166 Tile Toppler
    I think I actually hit you last pvp. Didn't really pay attention to the name, just remember ss, loaner, 2 star. Very low level for me to hit. Never thought about mmr being affected. Very interesting though

    yeah, from my own experience in PVP, i see a lot of rosters that really seem out of place in my brackets. non-maxed 2*s plus a SS don't stand a chance. the worst part is when they actually leave him out on D, because everyone seems to make a point to hit a surfer team if it's worth any kind of points. feel bad for the guys.
  • generalTsobot
    generalTsobot Posts: 65 Match Maker
    Brett572 wrote:
    Everything about the PVP in this is true. I can't buy a fair fight in PVP. Everyone I get matched with is a maxed 3*.

    I have a soft capped 94 roster. I pulled a SS with a legendary Token, and I've had him rostered for 3-4 PVEs now. My current PVE is scaled out of control. Just for an example. The Final Node of "The Meeting" sub in "Thick as Thieves." Magneto and Hood are scaled up to 287. Even if I put a 1 cover SS in that fight, I can't win... And I certainly can't do it with Level 150 Storm/Wolvie/Torch.

    I've compared with alliance mates. Guys with multiple maxed 3*s are facing lower level fights than I am.

    A guy with no silver surfer and a 94 max roster is seeing level 222 fights vs my level 287.

    So either I'm a far superior player to them, and I deserve this scaling based on my ability to defeat node with taking little damage. (Which isn't the case) OR just having SS on my roster is the problem. I'm going with the latter.

    This describes my situation -- and also one of my alliance-mate's -- to a "T". I'm on day 348, have a soft-capped level 94 roster, and have placed T10 - T25 in every PVE event for as long as I can remember. Shortly after I recruited SS, my PVP matchmaking went haywire where I'm now getting matched up with teams that are near-maxed to maxed 3* rosters immediately after the starter nodes. This simply did not happen before I recruited SS, as those teams wouldn't show up until I hit ~700 points or T50. Last night was the first time I actually used SS in any phase of the game, and I did so only in a Lightning Round; otherwise, I would not have been able to hit the 250 point progression reward. I don't think this change in matchmaking is a coincidence since SS has joined my roster.

    Based on developer feedback on the forum, I assumed that SS would not have an effect on my scaling in PVE. It's difficult to say whether this is the case or not, since I only recruited SS right before Thick as Thieves started. I still have yet to use SS in any PVE fight. I'll reserve judgement until after additional PVE events. The last sub in TaT with CMags/Hood make even moderately leveled fights tough (like Brett572 they are also at level 287 for me, labeled as "Normal"), so that may be skewing my perspective a bit. That said, given my experience with PVE at day 348, it does feel harder than it has in the past.

    The kicker? Since my scaling has gone out of wack, I decided to cash in all of my legendary tokens in hopes of getting more usable 4*'s and raising my overall roster to negate the imbalance between a level 255 5* and my level 94 2 and 3*'s. For the most part, I didn't pull any 4* covers that would be useful in PVP, unfortunately (Ant-Man and Elektra were two that I recall), and one of my tokens pulled....a second SS cover.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bottom line, someone's blowing smoke. IceIX and CS have delivered contradictory statements on how rostering SS will effect your game play
  • Brett572
    Brett572 Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
    fmftint wrote:
    Bottom line, someone's blowing smoke. IceIX and CS have delivered contradictory statements on how rostering SS will effect your game play

    What you posted from CS seems to be correct. At least based on what I'm seeing in game. I'm seeing the difficulty of having a maxed 4*, but I have none of the benefits of having a maxed 4*.
  • mindsuckr
    mindsuckr Posts: 154
    fmftint wrote:
    Bottom line, someone's blowing smoke. IceIX and CS have delivered contradictory statements on how rostering SS will effect your game play

    Ice posted his screenshots, I believe he posted the first node of an event to show how scaling shanges. Customer Service said "Many (but not all) of the nodes in the easier missions are capped at a fairly low level, which means they appear artificially low to a high level team; somewhere between 30-50 usually" Ice would see his proof that levels don't touch the scaling, but his example node was one that gets capped on how high it can be. We would need the events recreated with the final nodes.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    mindsuckr wrote:
    fmftint wrote:
    Bottom line, someone's blowing smoke. IceIX and CS have delivered contradictory statements on how rostering SS will effect your game play

    Ice posted his screenshots, I believe he posted the first node of an event to show how scaling shanges. Customer Service said "Many (but not all) of the nodes in the easier missions are capped at a fairly low level, which means they appear artificially low to a high level team; somewhere between 30-50 usually" Ice would see his proof that levels don't touch the scaling, but his example node was one that gets capped on how high it can be. We would need the events recreated with the final nodes.
    And I've shown the same event 3 times, at 3 stages of roster development, on a live account. What CS is telling players seems to be the most accurate
