Airborne from Fast Ball bug.

This is the second time I noticed it. When Colossus uses "Fast Ball" in combination with "Immovable object" and subsequently is stunned (or whole enemy team becomes stunned) the character who is "Airborne" can attack and use powers.

Instance: Colossus uses "Immovable Object", then "Fast Ball" and Airborne's Captain Marvel. I auto stun with "Billy Club" and Captain Marvel is able to use "Hypersonic punch". She shouldn't be able to since she is Airborne (Turns her inactive and immune to damage). The end result was she was immune to attacks that damage whole team because of "Airborne" and not target-able directly due to "Immovable Object" yet still able to use powers and match gems.


  • turul
    turul Posts: 1,622 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is to stop us from getting extra free turns. When she drops, she will deal damage from the Fastball Special and she would use one of her powers randomly, in your example, it was Hypersonic Punch.

    Those turns are not free. It's the drawback of the enemy's F.Special move.

    If this is confirmedly not a bug, its a very bad game design.
  • In my example she was not able to become a target though. I could not select her and I was only able to attack Colossus.

    She still retained the Airborne counter and the next turn when Colossus was unstunned Captain Marvel was once again airborne without the black power cost of casting Fastball (13 blacktile.png ) again because the black gems depleted with Hypersonic punch (9 blacktile.png ). Although I did not notice if there was the HP cost to her for coming down but I did not take the damage I would if Fastball concluded properly. I knew there was not enough to cast Fastball again.

    For that simulator round I attack in order of Black Panther, Colossus, and use skills to down Captain Marvel, in 1 or 2 hits preferably. This is to avoid her power Energy Absorption. If I could have killed her when Colossus was stunned I would have, but she was not target-able. Hence why I posted this.

    The first time I noticed this I cannot be as sure of the specifics as I ran a different team.
  • I probably could have explained the whole round better in my initial post as well.
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    Yeah, if the whole team is either stunned or airborne, the enemy should pass the turn, not get to use abilities or match.

    Then there's the problem with Airborne canceling just because the airborne person is the last one left in the fight.

    Why? Why does gravity suddenly pull them back down faster?

    The other team should just get free turns to match tiles and generate AP while the Airborne person is invincible and unable to do anything until they land. Speeding up the Airborne landing is just bad design.