Iron Fist Char Info

udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
This isn't so much a bug as a forum issue, but could a mod please update Fists character info to show the correct tile conversion numbers for his purple ability?

Iron Fist of K’un-Lun - Old - Cost: 5
Daniel Rand focuses his chi to make his fist like unto a thing of iron and strikes. If the team has less than 12 Black AP, converts 5 basic tiles to Black. If the team has 12 or more Black AP, deals 498 damage instead.
Level 2 - Deals 598 damage.
Level 3 - Converts 6 tiles or deals 697 damage.
Level 4 - Converts 7 tile or deals 896 damage.
Level 5 - Converts 9 tiles or deals 1295 damage.
MAX Level 5: Converts 9 tiles or deals 4113 damage.

Iron Fist of K’un-Lun - New - Cost: 5
Daniel Rand focuses his chi to make his fist like unto a thing of iron and strikes. If the team has less than 12 Black AP, converts 3 basic tiles to Black. If the team has 12 or more Black AP, deals 498 damage instead.
Level 2 -Converts 4 tiles or deals 598 damage.
Level 3 - Converts 5 tiles or deals 697 damage.
Level 4 - Converts 6 tile or deals 896 damage.
Level 5 - Converts 7 tiles or deals 1295 damage.
MAX Level 5: Converts 7 tiles or deals 4113 damage.