Problem with rooster

Me and my girlfriend often play in the same computer (different accounts), and yesterday when I logged in, my rooster was a copy of her rooster instead of my normal rooster.
Tried to log on different pcs, the problem persists.
My account name in-game: Madeen
Her account name in-game: Menrva

ps: Her rooster is much smaller and underleved compared to mine, so I can't really do any pve content due to scaling

Thank you for you time
Paulo Caseiro


  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hi, i would submit a ticket for this issue. Do you play with different profiles, or under the same Windows username? The roster's should be separate if you have different credentials.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    I apologize for this:

  • Malcrof wrote:
    Hi, i would submit a ticket for this issue. Do you play with different profiles, or under the same Windows username? The roster's should be separate if you have different credentials.

    Hello, thank you for the tip, but I already did that yesterday as soon as I notice the problem.
    As I did not get any answer until now, I was trying to accelerate the process while reporting what is supposedly a bug that can be exploited, (user coping good roosters into new accounts and sell the account after)
    We do play in the same windows profile, different steam accounts, We have been playing like this for more than half a year and never had any problems until now.

    Paulo Caseiro