DeathCanDance is looking for Death Aces

edited September 2015 in MPQ Alliances
Death Can Dance is a group of PvP and PvE alliances. All players can play as their life allows through a evaluation system. Players are banned from our family only when they are in the DeathCanDance3 alliance and don't meet the requirements there or disrespect other members. So you can go up or down and so will your rewards. You have the key to be a top Death Ace.

Our requirements are :

DeathCanDance [top100] = 800p per PVP event and 2000p on the SIM
DeathCanDance2 [top250] = 575p per PVP event and 1750p on the SIM
DeathCanDance3 [top250] = 400p per PVP event and 1250p on the SIM

DeathCanDance4 [NEW will be top100] = Always get your legendary token. On new heroes PVE 2X the progression rewards except the commanders decide otherwise

We have a great FB page with regularly posts about PVP/PVE strategies and alliance chat with a lot of friendly and helpful members.

Looking forward meeting you guys.

Dimitris Soustas IGN DIMON1967


  • When you say 2X progression, you mean 2X legendary token?
  • Yes Darth correct. If you see recent 4* pves the least for getting the alliance cover is about 2X the legendary progression reward. Of course it depends on the pve but this is adjusted from the commanders when the pve starts. But this is only for the pves where a new character is released.