The 3 star balance project: Community Input Requested

edited September 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
This had been discussed in a previous thread, but I thought it might be good to start from scratch, because it got me in mind for a project. Mind you, the developers have access to much more data and tools to collect and observe which 3 stars seem underplayed and under used, and which are used more often than normal, and so there's no guarantee they would act on such a list even if it has been compiled, but I figured it couldn't hurt to try.

Now, the main obstacle is the number of 3 star characters available. The forum can only poll up to 15 responses, so part of the 3 star roster has to be "cut" to even put into a working poll, so doing an outright poll is out the window.

So, I figured I would post a write in poll instead, and the rules are pretty simple.

1. Nominations must be 3 star rarity.
2. You may choose 1-5 characters, and no more than 5, that you feel need buffs to be usable. In the event this rule is ignored and more than 5 are listed by a poster, only the first 5 will be counted.
3. List 1-5 characters you feel perform above the average as well. If you are submitting a character for buffs, someone must be posted as "above average". This isn't a call for nerfs, but to gather info on who seems to be seen as top tier for 3 stars.
4. Only one submission per forum poster.
5. All nominations need to be posted in reply to this thread by 11pm 9/19/15 EST.
6. Less a rule, more a request: Leave the theory crafting on possible improvements out of it. There's a whole other forum to discuss individual characters and possible changes to them, this is more to get an image of who is in need of some adjustment.

Once this process is completed, the top 5 nominations, (or less if the total is less) can be posted into a more traditional poll, and by then we can hopefully see a clear image of who the forum community feels is below the average.

The results for who is seen as above the average will also be listed, for comparison purposes.