Bug(?): Can't reach 1000

Benjermain Posts: 31 Just Dropped In
The last 5 times I have been at 970-ish going for 1000, I have been hit for over 100 points while completing the match. This is ridiculous. I can understand getting hit. I can understand getting hit by multiple players while at a high point total. What I can't understand is why both are consistently happening at exactly this point? The first 3 times it happened (Black Panther event going for Prof X cover) were annoying. I missed the cover, spent way too much HP, and still ended at 500 points.

It has happened twice more in Red Shift. Always one win away from 1000. I have read countless posts about the unfairness of being able to lose infinite points while only being able to win one match's worth. And I agree, it is a flawed system. But this? This is beyond the pale. I know other players are not dealing with this. There are nearly 20 players above 1000 in my current bracket, and 3 over 1300.


  • meekersX
    meekersX Posts: 334 Mover and Shaker
    Unfortunately it's not a bug. It's a consequence of the way the PvP system is designed. After you reach a certain point, you become visible to everyone else in your time slice to attack, so there's a larger pool of potential attackers. As you climb away from the pack, you become worth more points to others, so they are incentivized to hit you more. It's compounded by the fact that shielded targets are hidden from queues, so most people with point values beyond 1k aren't visible.

    There are a few ways to counter this. First, have a team strong enough to discourage people from attacking you even when worth a lot of points. Maxed, boosted 3* and 4* are required. Second, try to reach 1000 before the time slice becomes active. The last hours can be very difficult to climb, especially around the peaks of 3h and 8h that correspond to shields. Third, if your roster doesn't discourage attacks sufficiently, consider learning more about shield hopping. If you can get to 920 or so and shield, that leaves you two good matches from 1000 when you break your shield.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    The Scarlet Witch PVP specifically can be very hard, as her blue passive allows for a lot of really fast, effective team builds. At least one of those build is arguably so effective as to be considered "broken".