Rewards / ISO sharing via Facebook bug

alphabeta Posts: 469 Mover and Shaker
So I thought I kept seeing the same few names pop up when I shared rewards earned with friends so for the last 3 weeks I've tracked it and there is a problem with reward sharing.

I have 394 Facebook friends playing mpq - obviously not all are likely to be active but most are via active Facebook groups and regular discussion about events, alliance characters mean most are playing.

I probably get 3 to 5 rewards shared with me per week.

I share each reward that gives me an option to.

In 3 weeks I've shared 39 rewards with either 3 or 10 friends depending upon what it is.

25 people have received those rewards from me - only a couple one most multiple time (one guy is over ten) 38% of all rewards shared have gone to 4 people.

clusters happen but I'm getting to a sample size big enough to say it isn't a fluke it's a trend - I'm happy to keep monitoring but my conclusions are;

There is a bug


You can only share with 25 people rewards and I am therefore inducting that you can only be on 25 peoples lists to be shared with so the 'technique' would be to find a very tight group of people and operate as a closed cell.

The problem with option b is people say they are receiving 1000s a day so either the 25 limit is new and therefore a cap or bug for newer players (I'm c 250 days).

With the level of ISO sharing in the game knowing if this is a bug and if it is when it might be fixed is really important.

If it isn't a bug then that key as well - I haven't tracked as it disappears so quickly but I think there are maybe 7 or 8 names sharing where I am the receipient so if 25 is the magic number I need to do some pruning and find and 18 to interlock with I a very small group.


  • alphabeta
    alphabeta Posts: 469 Mover and Shaker
    Update - the distribution within the 25 is starting to normalise but the 25 is still consistent.

    So it's a pyramid scheme rather than a random distribution?