Bug: No fighting back

Blahahah Posts: 738 Critical Contributor
I was at about 855 in Red Shift and 1400 in Shield Sim earlier today. Decided since I got my heroic 10 I would celebrate with a nice long nap.

I woke up, ended up in the 400s in red shift and the 1100s in shield sim. What bothered me is that there were no retaliation nodes for me to use.
So basically I have no chance to fight to get those points back from the people who beat me. Its more just that it seems weird than me being mad about it.

Any explaination?


  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's strange but not unprecedented for your retaliation nodes to be missing. There was a recent bug that caused this, but it seems to have mostly been resolved. If it continues in the future, I would suggest opening a customer support ticket.