Deadpool Daily Quest - Round 44 - Sept 21-25
Welcome to Round 44 of Deadpool's Daily Quest.
Savory token week, so dust off your spice rack and cook up some heroes!
Covers for this round will be Colossus (Black), Cyclops (Black), Hood (Black), Doctor Octopus (Green), Thor (Green)
Day One:
Day Two:
Day Three:
Savory token week, so dust off your spice rack and cook up some heroes!
Covers for this round will be Colossus (Black), Cyclops (Black), Hood (Black), Doctor Octopus (Green), Thor (Green)
Day One:
That Guy From That Place -
Hawkeye** (15), Defender (10), Defender(10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Brawler (20), Decoy (22), Defender (25), Brawler(28)
Wave 2 Decoy (40), Decoy (42), Ironman*** (50), Criterion (46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Doctor Octopus*** (74), Loki*** (70), Human Torch*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Thor** (64), Black Widow** (60), Bullseye** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Teisatsu (99), Teisatsu (100), Teisatsu (105)
Wave 2 Luke Cage*** (112), Punisher*** (111), Captain America*** (110)
Wave 3 Konran (122), Konran(121), Shinobi (120)
Wave 4 Gorgon*** (130), Deadpool*** (132), Wolverine**** (131)
Reward:Colossus (Black)
Deadpool's Fun Fact about Colossus: It's kinda funny, really. You know Achilles, right? Dude from way back who was dipped in liquid Impervium (yeah, totally a thing whatever the myths say) and was invulnerable apart from his heel where someone held him to dunk the guy like a cookie into a glass of milk - Colossus is our Achilles, except it's not his heel which is a problem. It's Muenster cheese. That stuff is totally like his kryptonite, man (whoops, did I say kryptonite? I meant...uh...vibranium. Yeah...) and he spends HOURS in the bathroom after coming into contact with it. This lead to a brief scuffle in Wisconsin we (me, readers!) like to call the Great Cheese Fracas of '82 which ended in litigation and public shaming. Strangely enough, the cheese that Muenster is based off of, the French Munster cheese has no effect on him. Weird, right?
Hawkeye** (15), Defender (10), Defender(10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Brawler (20), Decoy (22), Defender (25), Brawler(28)
Wave 2 Decoy (40), Decoy (42), Ironman*** (50), Criterion (46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Doctor Octopus*** (74), Loki*** (70), Human Torch*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Thor** (64), Black Widow** (60), Bullseye** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Teisatsu (99), Teisatsu (100), Teisatsu (105)
Wave 2 Luke Cage*** (112), Punisher*** (111), Captain America*** (110)
Wave 3 Konran (122), Konran(121), Shinobi (120)
Wave 4 Gorgon*** (130), Deadpool*** (132), Wolverine**** (131)
Reward:Colossus (Black)
Deadpool's Fun Fact about Colossus: It's kinda funny, really. You know Achilles, right? Dude from way back who was dipped in liquid Impervium (yeah, totally a thing whatever the myths say) and was invulnerable apart from his heel where someone held him to dunk the guy like a cookie into a glass of milk - Colossus is our Achilles, except it's not his heel which is a problem. It's Muenster cheese. That stuff is totally like his kryptonite, man (whoops, did I say kryptonite? I meant...uh...vibranium. Yeah...) and he spends HOURS in the bathroom after coming into contact with it. This lead to a brief scuffle in Wisconsin we (me, readers!) like to call the Great Cheese Fracas of '82 which ended in litigation and public shaming. Strangely enough, the cheese that Muenster is based off of, the French Munster cheese has no effect on him. Weird, right?
Day Two:
That Guy From That Place -
Human Torch** (15), Thug (10), Thug (10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Thug (20), Hitman (22), Hitman (25), Thug(28)
Wave 2 Thug (40), Hitman (42), Gamora*** (50), Thug(46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Daken*** (74), Hood*** (70), Rocket&Groot*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Wolverine** (64), Daken** (60), Captain Marvel** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Criterion (99), Subject (100), Empiricist (105)
Wave 2 Captain Marvel*** (112), Beast*** (111), Daredevil*** (110)
Wave 3 Control (122), Control (121), Criterion (120)
Wave 4 Invisible Woman**** (130), Black Widow*** (132), Blade*** (131)
Reward:Cyclops (Black)
Deadpool's Fun Fact about Cyclops: Front man for the X-Men, but really not the guy in charge if you look closely. Scott's a figurehead. Or is that figuremutant? Sure, why not - I'm Deadpool, and I can wordify things if I want to. Anyway, the real power behind the X-Men is an amorphous purple blob from some weird little world that lives in the subbasement. His name is Colin. He and Cyclops have a deal - Cyclops acts on Colin's orders as Colin doesn't exactly inspire confidence when people see him, and Colin doesn't reveal to the other X-men that Scott has a whole bunch of "candid" photos of them that he takes while they're sleeping. So it's a mutually beneficial deal, really. Neat, huh?
Human Torch** (15), Thug (10), Thug (10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Thug (20), Hitman (22), Hitman (25), Thug(28)
Wave 2 Thug (40), Hitman (42), Gamora*** (50), Thug(46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Daken*** (74), Hood*** (70), Rocket&Groot*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Wolverine** (64), Daken** (60), Captain Marvel** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Criterion (99), Subject (100), Empiricist (105)
Wave 2 Captain Marvel*** (112), Beast*** (111), Daredevil*** (110)
Wave 3 Control (122), Control (121), Criterion (120)
Wave 4 Invisible Woman**** (130), Black Widow*** (132), Blade*** (131)
Reward:Cyclops (Black)
Deadpool's Fun Fact about Cyclops: Front man for the X-Men, but really not the guy in charge if you look closely. Scott's a figurehead. Or is that figuremutant? Sure, why not - I'm Deadpool, and I can wordify things if I want to. Anyway, the real power behind the X-Men is an amorphous purple blob from some weird little world that lives in the subbasement. His name is Colin. He and Cyclops have a deal - Cyclops acts on Colin's orders as Colin doesn't exactly inspire confidence when people see him, and Colin doesn't reveal to the other X-men that Scott has a whole bunch of "candid" photos of them that he takes while they're sleeping. So it's a mutually beneficial deal, really. Neat, huh?
Day Three:
That Guy From That Place -
Captain America** (15), Spy (10), Spy (10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Soldier (20), Pyro (22), Lieutenant (25), Analyst (28)
Wave 2 Assassin (40), Grenadier (42), Psylocke*** (50), Pyro(46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Loki*** (74), Mystique*** (70), Spiderman*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Bullseye** (64), Spiderman** (60), Thor** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Decoy (99), Brawler (100), Decoy (105)
Wave 2 Wolverine*** (112), Human Torch*** (111), Thor*** (110)
Wave 3 Defender (122), Decoy (121), Brawler(120)
Wave 4 Doctor Doom*** (130), Elektra**** (132), Squirrel Girl*** (131)
Reward:Hood (Black)
Deadpool's Fun Fact about The Hood: Oh man, this guy's up and down like a freakin' yo-yo. He has no powers, he gets powers, he loses his powers, he gains more powers, he loses his infinitum. Poor guy. The reason for his **** fortunes are fairly obscure, but your pal Deadpool here figured it out. When he was a kid, Parker Robbins was sent to Dublin for a couple of weeks with his Aunt, so that his dad could have some "Me Time in the Man Cave", whatever that means. Auntie took little Parker around the touristy pubs and bars of Dublin, but she got distracted by a particularly fine Guinness and Parker wandered off. Finding himself alone in the city, Parker meandered about asking people to say random words because their accents were apparently hilarious. Eventually, tired, he tried to find his way back, wound up in a dirty alley and encountered a transient man in ragged green clothing and with a battered top hat. This little man asked him for a penny. Parker, sadly, had no pennies to give, and the little man got upset and jumped up and down screaming and ranting and pointed a finger at the little boy and declared him "Cursed with Fortune Mercurial". Parker, not understanding, ran from the little homeless man and somehow found his Aunt again.
After all that, Parker has had luck that swings both ways like crazy - good luck, bad luck, always to extremes. Wow, I'm talking a lot here. But you like it. Tell me you like it. Or else.
Day Four:
Captain America** (15), Spy (10), Spy (10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Soldier (20), Pyro (22), Lieutenant (25), Analyst (28)
Wave 2 Assassin (40), Grenadier (42), Psylocke*** (50), Pyro(46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Loki*** (74), Mystique*** (70), Spiderman*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Bullseye** (64), Spiderman** (60), Thor** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Decoy (99), Brawler (100), Decoy (105)
Wave 2 Wolverine*** (112), Human Torch*** (111), Thor*** (110)
Wave 3 Defender (122), Decoy (121), Brawler(120)
Wave 4 Doctor Doom*** (130), Elektra**** (132), Squirrel Girl*** (131)
Reward:Hood (Black)
Deadpool's Fun Fact about The Hood: Oh man, this guy's up and down like a freakin' yo-yo. He has no powers, he gets powers, he loses his powers, he gains more powers, he loses his infinitum. Poor guy. The reason for his **** fortunes are fairly obscure, but your pal Deadpool here figured it out. When he was a kid, Parker Robbins was sent to Dublin for a couple of weeks with his Aunt, so that his dad could have some "Me Time in the Man Cave", whatever that means. Auntie took little Parker around the touristy pubs and bars of Dublin, but she got distracted by a particularly fine Guinness and Parker wandered off. Finding himself alone in the city, Parker meandered about asking people to say random words because their accents were apparently hilarious. Eventually, tired, he tried to find his way back, wound up in a dirty alley and encountered a transient man in ragged green clothing and with a battered top hat. This little man asked him for a penny. Parker, sadly, had no pennies to give, and the little man got upset and jumped up and down screaming and ranting and pointed a finger at the little boy and declared him "Cursed with Fortune Mercurial". Parker, not understanding, ran from the little homeless man and somehow found his Aunt again.
After all that, Parker has had luck that swings both ways like crazy - good luck, bad luck, always to extremes. Wow, I'm talking a lot here. But you like it. Tell me you like it. Or else.
That Guy From That Place -
Daken** (15), Teisatsu (10), Teisatsu (10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Teisatsu (20), Teisatsu (22), Shinobi (25), Teisatsu (28)
Wave 2 Shinobi (40), Konran (42), Squirrel Girl*** (50), Shinobi(46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Daken*** (74), Falcon*** (70), Loki*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Captain Marvel** (64), Captain America** (60), Magneto** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Hitman (99), Thug (100), Hitman (105)
Wave 2 Human Torch*** (112), Ironman*** (111), Magneto*** (110)
Wave 3 Muscle (122), Hitman (121), Brawler(120)
Wave 4 Invisible Woman**** (130), Beast*** (132), Storm*** (131)
Reward:Doctor Octopus (Green)
Deadpool's Fun Fact about Doctor Octopus: Helllooooo Doctorpus! Yeah, he hates it when I call him that, but what's he going to do, wave his silly metal appendages at me? It's funny, even though he calls himself "Doctor Octopus", the guy can't breathe underwater. Believe me, I know, I tried to see what would happen when I held him under in the municipal swimming pool. Guy just got all mad and thrashed about, turned purple and fell asleep. Sad. He also can't squirt ink. When I tried to make him do that, he started screaming something about not being a squid. PoTAYto, potahhhhto, right? Anyway, blood is close to ink, I guess, and stabbing him a little bit kinda worked. He also got a little upset when I tried to completely immerse him in strawberry Jello. "Something something not a jellyfish blah blah!" he screamed. Whatever, right guys?
Day Five:
Daken** (15), Teisatsu (10), Teisatsu (10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Teisatsu (20), Teisatsu (22), Shinobi (25), Teisatsu (28)
Wave 2 Shinobi (40), Konran (42), Squirrel Girl*** (50), Shinobi(46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Daken*** (74), Falcon*** (70), Loki*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Captain Marvel** (64), Captain America** (60), Magneto** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Hitman (99), Thug (100), Hitman (105)
Wave 2 Human Torch*** (112), Ironman*** (111), Magneto*** (110)
Wave 3 Muscle (122), Hitman (121), Brawler(120)
Wave 4 Invisible Woman**** (130), Beast*** (132), Storm*** (131)
Reward:Doctor Octopus (Green)
Deadpool's Fun Fact about Doctor Octopus: Helllooooo Doctorpus! Yeah, he hates it when I call him that, but what's he going to do, wave his silly metal appendages at me? It's funny, even though he calls himself "Doctor Octopus", the guy can't breathe underwater. Believe me, I know, I tried to see what would happen when I held him under in the municipal swimming pool. Guy just got all mad and thrashed about, turned purple and fell asleep. Sad. He also can't squirt ink. When I tried to make him do that, he started screaming something about not being a squid. PoTAYto, potahhhhto, right? Anyway, blood is close to ink, I guess, and stabbing him a little bit kinda worked. He also got a little upset when I tried to completely immerse him in strawberry Jello. "Something something not a jellyfish blah blah!" he screamed. Whatever, right guys?
That Guy From That Place -
Hawkeye** (15), Assassin (10), Assassin (10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Soldier (20), Lieutenant (22), Pyro (25), Spy (28)
Wave 2 Commander (40), Lieutenant (42), Blade*** (50), Spy(46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Black Panther*** (74), Ragnarok*** (70), Doctor Octopus*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Wolverine** (64), Black Widow** (60), Bullseye** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Empiricist (99), Criterion (100), Control (105)
Wave 2 Luke Cage*** (112), Psylocke*** (111), Magneto*** (110)
Wave 3 Control (122), Control (121), Control(120)
Wave 4 Wolverine**** (130), Deadpool*** (132), Daredevil*** (131)
Crash of the Titans -
Quicksilver (270) - Invisible Woman Required
Rewards legendary token.
Reward:Thor (Green) + Legendary Token
Deadpool's Fun Fact about Thor: Thor! The man they call Thor! Or the woman they call Thor! Or, looking back, the people they call Thor when there's a whole slew of Thors across the multiverse including a GrootThor. Now that's just silly. I'm not rambling, I promise. I'm just getting warmed up here. It's pretty sweet, actually, and totes a superhero thing. You know how whoever wields Mjolnir turns into a Thor, right? Bigger muscles, superpowers, long flowing hair...yeah, you know. Well, that hair grows back every time the change into Thor happens. So SOMEONE, who shall remain NAMELESS has got a pretty sweet deal going by cutting off Thor's hair when he's asleep and selling it to wig makers for a tidy sum of cash. Now, I don't want to point fingers at anyone *coughcoughtonystarkcough* but that sort of thing is just mean. I wish I'd thought of it.
Hawkeye** (15), Assassin (10), Assassin (10)
Under The Sea -
Wave 1 Soldier (20), Lieutenant (22), Pyro (25), Spy (28)
Wave 2 Commander (40), Lieutenant (42), Blade*** (50), Spy(46)
Third Time's The Charm -
Black Panther*** (74), Ragnarok*** (70), Doctor Octopus*** (71)
Dat Required Character -
Wolverine** (64), Black Widow** (60), Bullseye** (63)
The Big Enchilada -
Wave 1 Empiricist (99), Criterion (100), Control (105)
Wave 2 Luke Cage*** (112), Psylocke*** (111), Magneto*** (110)
Wave 3 Control (122), Control (121), Control(120)
Wave 4 Wolverine**** (130), Deadpool*** (132), Daredevil*** (131)
Crash of the Titans -
Quicksilver (270) - Invisible Woman Required
Rewards legendary token.
Reward:Thor (Green) + Legendary Token
Deadpool's Fun Fact about Thor: Thor! The man they call Thor! Or the woman they call Thor! Or, looking back, the people they call Thor when there's a whole slew of Thors across the multiverse including a GrootThor. Now that's just silly. I'm not rambling, I promise. I'm just getting warmed up here. It's pretty sweet, actually, and totes a superhero thing. You know how whoever wields Mjolnir turns into a Thor, right? Bigger muscles, superpowers, long flowing hair...yeah, you know. Well, that hair grows back every time the change into Thor happens. So SOMEONE, who shall remain NAMELESS has got a pretty sweet deal going by cutting off Thor's hair when he's asleep and selling it to wig makers for a tidy sum of cash. Now, I don't want to point fingers at anyone *coughcoughtonystarkcough* but that sort of thing is just mean. I wish I'd thought of it.
Darn ninjas wiped me once and even almost a 2nd time. But, i finally got my 1st , which was worth it. Taco tokens werent - 2* wolvie and health packs0
With Colossus in the Deadpool Movie, the fun facts about him are bound to change!0
[Obligatory Ninja day whine post]
Was getting cocky the past few weeks, passing through ninja days relatively without incident, and then today happened...
Unceremoniously wiped in the first wave, within 6-8 moves.
On a positive note, 5th Cyke black, finished Hood (imperfect build, but hey), and 3rd 3hor Green (3/3/3!)...
Good times.
Update: Did eventually finish ninja day, third try. My epic quest for Cyke was indeed bizarrely epic, almost ending in defeat after a second wipe. Everyone get their tin-foil hats out... I'm noticing a pattern forming wherein my BEs that have historically been pretty manageable becoming much more difficult over the past week or so...
DBC0 -
Drummerboycroy wrote:
Everyone get their tin-foil hats out... I'm noticing a pattern forming wherein my BEs that have historically been pretty manageable becoming much more difficult over the past week or so...
I went a little conspiracy theorist during Predator and Prey recently. I was getting my **** handed to me on almost every fight. I was ready to call conspiracy but then Red Shift came out and I went through way more fights than usual with way less health packs than usual.
It's not a conspiracy if it's in my favor, right?0 -
that's funny. started red shift yesterday and 2 of my first 3 matches (after the seeds) I won, but required 3 health packs on and I thought - dang, this is going to suck. then I finished my initial push up to 500 without the need for any more health packs. I just think with witch it goes really well or really poorly. haven't noticed any change in TBE other than I'm using my 2*s again since ice said that so few were doing so. if they look at the data like that I want my data point to show a 2* team, which generally led to the expectations, which led to the frustration that is wasn't the same function. anyway - I don't mean to take this there, so moving on....0
BlackBoltRocks wrote:I'd like to meet Colin.
Maybe Colin will be the surprise Anniversary character.
In other news, my shard for the Heroic: Venom ended just in time to give me Dr Octopus for today's DDQ. I love it when a plan comes together...or at least when random timing favors me...0 -
Finishing the 4* DDQ with a 1/0/0 IW0
The Quicksilver node was quite easy, though time consuming, as long as you have that invisibility tile up and safe. His bluesplosion AoE still hurts though, but apart from that it's cake.0
dearbluey wrote:The Quicksilver node was quite easy, though time consuming, as long as you have that invisibility tile up and safe. His bluesplosion AoE still hurts though, but apart from that it's cake.
He got his blue off only once, and IW has just enough health to survive that. Only problem is it takes very long, like u said.0 -
I wasn't sure that my IW would be good enough, just stayed in the shield and gathered green as much as I could. Got out with a0
Earned my 3hor green in a relatively painless match, which was nice because it allayed my fears about previous BEs...
Tried the 4* node with my 0/1/0 IW... I'm guessing I don't have to actually SAY how that went.
DBC0 -
My IW is 3/2/1, so basically her green does like 500 damage each time...I got him down to 3K twice in twelve tries. Sigh.0
took me 4 tries but I snagged my legend token with a lvl 130 123 IW, not bad. Stayed invisible most of the match and he was able to get one blue off but she had enough health to hang on, I hit a massive cascade that filled her blue and green so it was just a matter of setting up bubbles and crushing him under my palm...0
I have a 1/1/1 level 78 IW. I got within ~300 HP of killing him, and he set off this ridiculous cascade that managed 3 blue matches and killed me outright.
I almost threw my phone into a wall.0 -
I thought I was going to like having these weekly DDQ chances at the Leg token but I'm not even coming close in these matchups.0
I didn't know IW couldn't pop Quicksilver's "locked tiles" (that is, they aren't bubbles). I assumed they were treated the same. I beat it on my second try with 2/4/3 IW. Invisibility is an underrated ability.0
Have heart friends, it can be overcome if you have one invisibility cover at least. Just pack 2 extra yellow to gain invisibility asap, some damage boosts (50 % yellow/red and green/black) and play to break his locked tiles. c:
Took me eight tries but my one covered IW pulled through. (:0
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