healthpack bug

jdoe893 Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
i was playing BP pvp event just now,was at #1 when i decided to use healthpack on WXF,so i bought 5 healthpack with 200HP and im pretty sure he was healed as the lightning stroke him once and my healthpack was becoming 4,but when the battle began i am pretty shocked to find my WXF didnt heal at all with only 390health left,cost me points there as i lost the match,so the next match i decided to revive my WXF and IF and i used a loaner
BP,again lightning stroke twice..left with 2 in the match and after three turns i realised my WXF and IF didnt heal at all (unless im fighting SS so theres no way i got beaten in 3 turns),costs me another lost there,ended top please can you guys look into this